Comprehensive Cancer Center Mainfranken

„Eat to Live: A Role for Diet in Cancer Therapy”

Lecture Series via Zoom
Datum: 21.06.2021, 17:15 - 19:30 Uhr
Kategorie: CCC-Seminarreihen, Fortbildung med. Personal
Ort: Zoom Meeting
Veranstalter: Mildred-Scheel-Nachwuchszentrum
Vortragende: Prof. Karen Vousden, Ph.D. Francis Crick Institute, London, UK and Cancer Research UK

With this unique series, we pay tribute to the outstanding commitment of Dr. Mildred Scheel in the fight against cancer, for which she is to this date nationally and internationally highly regarded.

Dear ladies and gentlemen,

We would like to welcome you to the 11th Mildred Scheel Lectureship accompanied by a surrounding program for young cancer researchers. Due to the still prevailing

pandemic situation, the MSL will be held as a joint online event encompassing both Hamburg and Berlin lecture sites.

With this unique series, we pay tribute to the outstanding commitment of Dr. Mildred Scheel in the fight against cancer, for which she is to this date nationally and internationally highly regarded.

The Mildred Scheel Lectureship Series was jointly established by the German Cancer Aid and the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and is supported by the DKFZ Executive Women‘s Initiative. Our goals are to honor outstanding scientists dedicated to the advancement of cancer research and to give young researchers the possibility to directly interact with these inspiring persons in order to encourage them to start and pursue their own scientific career.

We are looking forward to your participation!

Prof. Dr. Carsten Bokemeyer | Prof. Dr. Kai Rothkamm

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Keilholz | Prof. Dr. Angelika Eggert

Registration per email – free of charge:

Lecture: https://uni-hamburg.zoom. us/j/63729692373

Get together: 7221-4d57-a381-2c39c4f03928 (camera + micro required for joining)
