Ziel der europäischen EUROASPIRE Querschnittsstudien ist die Untersuchung von Patient:innen mit einer chronisch koronarer Herzerkrankung hinsichtlich Ihres Lebensstils, des Risikofaktorprofils und der Umsetzung von Handlungsempfehlungen zur Prävention erneuter kardiovaskulärer Ereignisse. Dabei werden auch regionale und internationale Unterschiede untersucht um eine bestmögliche Behandlung der Patient:innen zu fördern.
2023[ to top ]
Secondary prevention in diabetic and nondiabetic coronary heart disease patients: Insights from the German subset of the hospital arm of the EUROASPIRE IV and V surveys. Clin Res Cardiol. 2023;112(2):285-98..
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2019[ to top ]
Lifestyle and impact on cardiovascular risk factor control in coronary patients across 27 countries: Results from the European Society of Cardiology ESC-EORP EUROASPIRE V registry. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2019;26(8):824-35..
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Physicians’ lifestyle advice on primary and secondary cardiovascular disease prevention in Germany: A comparison between the STAAB cohort study and the German subset of EUROASPIRE IV. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2019;:2047487319838218..
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2018[ to top ]
Secondary Prevention in Younger vs. Older Coronary Heart Disease Patients-Insights from the German Subset of the EUROASPIRE IV Survey. Int J Behav Med. 2018;25(3):283-9..
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2017[ to top ]
Prevalence of chronic kidney disease and its determinants in coronary heart disease patients in 24 European countries: Insights from the EUROASPIRE IV survey of the European Society of Cardiology. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2017;24(11):1168-80..
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Patient’s and physician’s awareness of kidney disease in coronary heart disease patients - a cross-sectional analysis of the German subset of the EUROASPIRE IV survey. BMC Nephrol. 2017;18(1):321..
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2016[ to top ]
EUROASPIRE IV: A European Society of Cardiology survey on the lifestyle, risk factor and therapeutic management of coronary patients from 24 European countries. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2016;23(6):636-48..
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