Deutsch Intern
Institute for Clinical Epidemiology and Biometry

Anna-Lena Hofmann

Anna-Lena Hofmann, M.A. Medical Information Management


Phone:   +49 (0)931 / 201 47345
Fax: +49 (0)931 / 201 647310

Short Resume

since 2020 Research assistant at the Institute for Clinical Epidemiology and Biometry at the University of Würzburg
2019-2020   M.A. Medical Information Management at the University of Applied Sciences Hannover
2015-2019 B.A. Medical Information Management at the University of Applied Sciences Hannover

Scientific Focus

Health Services Research

Publications in recent years

2025[ to top ]
  • 1.
    Hofmann AL, Widmann J, Brandstetter L, Selig U, Haug F, Haug J, et al. Development and application of a clinical core data set for deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease, dystonia or tremor: from data collection to data exchange and data sharing. Neurol Res Pract. 2025;7(1):5.
2024[ to top ]
  • 1.
    Hofmann AL, Vehreschild JJ, Witzenrath M, Hoffmann W, Illig T, Schreiber S, et al. Integration von Bestandsdaten aus Kohorten- und Registerstudien in ein existierendes Forschungsnetzwerk: Nationales Pandemie Kohorten Netz (NAPKON). Gesundheitswesen [Internet]. 2024;(EFirst). Available from:
2023[ to top ]
  • 1.
    Yusuf KO, Miljukov O, Schoneberg A, Hanß S, Wiesenfeldt M, Stecher M, et al. Consistency as a Data Quality Measure for German Corona Consensus Items Mapped from National Pandemic Cohort Network Data Collections. Methods Inf Med. 2023;62(S 01):e47-e56.
  • 1.
    Schwarzbach CJ, Eichner FA, Rücker V, Hofmann AL, Keller M, Audebert HJ, et al. The structured ambulatory post-stroke care program for outpatient aftercare in patients with ischaemic stroke in Germany (SANO): an open-label, cluster-randomised controlled trial. The Lancet Neurology [Internet]. 2023;. Available from:
2022[ to top ]
  • 1.
    Schons M, Pilgram L, Reese JP, Stecher M, Anton G, Appel KS, et al. The German National Pandemic Cohort Network (NAPKON): rationale, study design and baseline characteristics. Eur J Epidemiol. 2022;37(8):849-70.