Deutsch Intern
Institute for Clinical Epidemiology and Biometry

Lilly Brandstetter

Lilly Brandstetter, M.Sc


Phone: +49 (0)931 /  201 47319
Fax: + 49 (0)931 / 201 647310


short CV

seit 2019  Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Institut für Klinische Epidemiologie und Biometrie, Universität Würzburg
2016-2019 Master of Science Arzneimittelforschung/ Drug Research, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität Bonn
2013-2016 Bachelor of Science Biologie, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität Bonn


Research interests

Healthcare research

Main Publications in recent years

2025[ to top ]
  • 1.
    Brandstetter LS, Grau A, Heuschmann PU, Müller-Reiter M, Salmen J, Störk S, et al. Medication patterns and potentially inappropriate medication in patients with metastatic breast cancer: results of the BRE-BY-MED study. BMC Cancer [Internet]. 2025;25(1):125. Available from:
  • 1.
    Brandstetter LS, Schutzmeier M, Grau A, Ahnert J, Klingshirn H, Reuschenbach B, et al. Beschreibung der Charakteristika invasiv beatmeter pflegebedürftiger Patient*innen in Bayern anhand der Nutzung von Routinedaten des MD Bayern. Gesundheitswesen [Internet]. 2025;(EFirst). Available from:
  • 1.
    Hofmann AL, Widmann J, Brandstetter L, Selig U, Haug F, Haug J, et al. Development and application of a clinical core data set for deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease, dystonia or tremor: from data collection to data exchange and data sharing. Neurol Res Pract. 2025;7(1):5.
2024[ to top ]
  • 1.
    Schutzmeier M, Brandstetter LS, Stangl S, Ahnert J, Grau A, Gerken L, et al. Development and pilot-testing of an evidence-based quality indicator set for home mechanical ventilation care: the OVER-BEAS project. BMC Health Services Research [Internet]. 2024;24(1):152. Available from:
  • 1.
    Brandstetter LS, Jírů-Hillmann S, Störk S, Heuschmann PU, Wöckel A, Reese JP. Differences in Preferences for Drug Therapy Between Patients with Metastatic Versus Early-Stage Breast Cancer: A Systematic Literature Review. The Patient - Patient-Centered Outcomes Research [Internet]. 2024;. Available from:
2023[ to top ]
  • 1.
    Skazel T, Raub M, Haas K, Schutzmeier M, Brandstetter L, Ahnert J, et al. Die notärztliche Versorgung von langzeitbeatmeten Patienten im außerstationären Umfeld – im Spannungsfeld zwischen Intensivmedizin und häuslicher Versorgung. NOTARZT. 2023;.
  • 1.
    Hebestreit H, Lapstich AM, Brandstetter L, Krauth C, Deckert J, Haas K, et al. Effect of the addition of a mental health specialist for evaluation of undiagnosed patients in centres for rare diseases (ZSE-DUO): a prospective, controlled trial with a two-phase cohort design. EClinicalMedicine. 2023;65:102260.
  • 1.
    Kippnich M, Skazel T, Klingshirn H, Gerken L, Heuschmann P, Haas K, et al. [Analysis of the weaning process in intensive care patients with regard to documentation and transfer to further treatment units]. Med Klin Intensivmed Notfmed. 2023;118(4):269-76.
  • 1.
    Klingshirn H, Gerken L, Hofmann K, Heuschmann PU, Haas K, Schutzmeier M, et al. [Complexity of outpatient intensive care for ventilated people: Cross-mapping into the standardised NNN-taxonomy]. Pflege. 2023;36(5):259-68.
2022[ to top ]
  • 1.
    Klingshirn H, Gerken L, Hofmann K, Heuschmann PU, Haas K, Schutzmeier M, et al. Komplexität außerstationärer Intensivpflege beatmeter Menschen [Complexity of outpatient intensive care for ventilated people: Cross-mapping into the standardised NNN-taxonomy]. Pflege [Internet]. 2022;:null. Available from:
  • 1.
    Klingshirn H, Gerken L, Hofmann K, Heuschmann PU, Haas K, Schutzmeier M, et al. Comparing the quality of care for long-term ventilated individuals at home versus in shared living communities: a convergent parallel mixed-methods study. BMC Nursing [Internet]. 2022;21(1):224. Available from:
  • 1.
    Kippnich M, Skazel T, Klingshirn H, Gerken L, Heuschmann P, Haas K, et al. Analyse des Weaningprozesses bei Intensivpatienten im Hinblick auf Dokumentation und Verlegung in weiterbehandelnde Einheiten [Analysis of the weaning process in intensive care patients with regard to documentation and transfer to further treatment units]. Medizinische Klinik - Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin. 2022;118.
  • 1.
    Hebestreit H, Zeidler C, Schippers C, de Zwaan M, Deckert J, Heuschmann P, et al. Dual guidance structure for evaluation of patients with unclear diagnosis in centers for rare diseases (ZSE-DUO): study protocol for a controlled multi-center cohort study. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases [Internet]. 2022;17(1):47. Available from:
2021[ to top ]
  • 1.
    Klingshirn H, Gerken L, Hofmann K, Heuschmann PU, Haas K, Schutzmeier M, et al. How to improve the quality of care for people on home mechanical ventilation from the perspective of healthcare professionals: a qualitative study. BMC Health Services Research [Internet]. 2021;21(1):774. Available from:
  • 1.
    Skazel T, Kippnich M, Klingshirn H, Gerken L, Heuschmann P, Haas K, et al. [Ventilation Patients between Acute Care and Long-term Out-of-Hospital Ventilation - Routine Documentation based Analysis of the Care Situation]. Pneumologie. 2021;.
2020[ to top ]
  • 1.
    Klingshirn H, Gerken L, Heuschmann P, Haas K, Schutzmeier M, Brandstetter L, et al. [Quality of Care for People with Home Mechanical Ventilation in Germany: A Scoping Review]. Gesundheitswesen. 2020;82(8-09):729-3.