Deutsch Intern
Institute for Clinical Epidemiology and Biometry

Dr. Armita Shahesmaeilinejad

kurzer Lebenslauf

seit 2023   Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Institut für Klinische Epidemiologie und Biometrie, Universität Würzburg
2020-2023  Associate Professor of Epidemiology, Kerman University of medical sciences, Iran
2015-2021 Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, Kerman University of medical sciences, Iran
2015-2021 Studium PhD in Epidemiology, Beheshti University of medical sciences, Tehran, Iran
2005-2010 Arzt im Praktikum und Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Universitätklinikum, Kerman, Iran
1999-2005  Medizinstudium, Kerman University of medical sciences, Iran



wissenschaftliche Schwerpunkte

Clinical epidemiology, Evidence based medicine, Infectious disease epidemiology

Hauptpublikationen der letzten Jahre

2024[ to top ]
  • 1.
    Aledavoud A, Mohammadi M, Ataei A, Shahesmaeilinejad A, Harandi MF. Thyroid involvement in cystic echinococcosis: a systematic review. BMC Infect Dis. 2024;24(1):889.
  • 1.
    Bazrafshani MS, Mehmandoost S, Tavakoli F, Shahesmaeili A, Ghalekhani N, Sharafi H, SeyedAlinaghi S, Haghdoost A, Karamouzian M, Sharifi H. Self-reported lifetime Hepatitis B virus testing, and vaccination uptake among people who inject drugs in Iran: a nationwide study in 2020. BMC Public Health. 2024;24(1):3156.
  • 1.
    Pakmanesh H, Khajehsalimi A, Hesamarefi M, Ebadzadeh M reza, Bazrafshan A, Malekpourafshar R, Mirzaei M, Daneshpajouh A, Shahesmaeili A, Eslami N. Comparison of the overall survival of different treatment methods in patients with Muscle-invasive bladder cancer: A retrospective study. Urologia Journal [Internet]. 2024;91(4):687-94. Available from:
  • 1.
    Mohammadi M, Attar A, Mahmoudinezhad G, Shahesmaeilinejad A, Zhu D, Fowler B, Farsi Y, Shirvani M, Gohari M. Clinical characteristics and visual outcomes of animal-induced ocular injuries: a prospective multicenter study in Iran. Front Med (Lausanne). 2024;11:1462252.
  • 1.
    Malekpour Afshar R, Mousavi B, Bazrafshani MS, Movahedinia S, Zohreh-Kermani A, Nejad Ravari M, Mirzaie H, Shahesmaeili A, Bazrafshan A. Epidemiology, Pattern, and Survival of Multiple Primary Malignant Neoplasms in Southeast Iran: Results of Kerman Population-Based Cancer Registry 2014-2020. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2024;25(7):2257-64.
2023[ to top ]
  • 1.
    Rahmati S, Nasehi M, Bahrampour A, Mirzazadeh A, Shahesmaeili A. Barriers and gaps in tuberculosis care and treatment in Iran: A multi-center qualitative study. Journal of Clinical Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacterial Diseases [Internet]. 2023;31:100353. Available from:
  • 1.
    Mehmandoost S, Mirzazadeh A, Karamouzian M, Khezri M, Sharafi H, Shahesmaeili A, Maghsoudi SH, Ghalekhani N, Tavakoli F, Bazrafshani MS, Shokoohi M, Aghaali N, Haghdoost AA, Sharifi H. Injection cessation and relapse to injection and the associated factors among people who inject drugs in Iran: The Rostam study. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy. 2023;18(1):72.
  • 1.
    Mehmandoost S, Sharifi H, Shokoohi M, Khezri M, Mirzazadeh A, Shahesmaeili A, Gahlekhani N, Kamali K, Haghdoost AA, Karamouzian M. Sexualized Substance Use among Female Sex Workers in Iran: Findings from a Nationwide Survey. Substance Use & Misuse [Internet]. 2023;58(2):298-305. Available from:
  • 1.
    Setayesh M, Zahedi-Neyestani A, Asadikaram G, Tajadini H, Moghadari M, Shahesmaeili A, Jafarinejad-Farsangi S, Hasheminasab FS, Amiri-Ardekani E. The Efficacy of Medium-Chain Triglyceride on the Prognosis and Outcome of Suspected COVID-19 Outpatients: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Kerman University of Medical Sciences [Internet]. 2023;30(2):106-12. Available from:
2022[ to top ]
  • 1.
    Afshar PJ, Hamid N, Shadkam FM, Armita S. How Much Excess Body Weight, Blood Pressure, Triglyceride, or Age Can Double the Likelihood of Diabetes Type 2?. Iranian Journal of Public Health [Internet]. 2022;51(4). Available from:
  • 1.
    Karbassi E, Amiri-Ardekani E, Farsinezhad A, Shahesmaeili A, Abhari Y, Ziaesistani M, Pouryazdanpanah N, Derakhshani A, Jamshidi F, Tajadini H. The Efficacy of Kohl (Surma) and Erythromycin in Treatment of Blepharitis: An Open-Label Clinical Trial. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine [Internet]. 2022;2022:6235857. Available from:
  • 1.
    Hoseini M, Samaei MR, Shahesmaeili A, Martínez SS, Amiri H. Using biomonitoring as a complementary approach in BTEX exposure assessment in the general population and occupational settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Reviews on Environmental Health [Internet]. 2022;. Available from:
  • 1.
    Pakmanesh H, Anvari O, Forey N, Weiderpass E, Malekpourafshar R, Iranpour M, Shahesmaeili A, Ahmadi N, Bazrafshan A, Zendehdel K, Kannengiesser C, Ba I, McKay J, Zvereva M, Hosen MI, Sheikh M, Calvez-Kelm FL. TERT Promoter Mutations as Simple and Non-Invasive Urinary Biomarkers for the Detection of Urothelial Bladder Cancer in a High-Risk Region. Int J Mol Sci [Internet]. 2022;23(22). Available from:
  • 1.
    Mahmoodzadeh S, Jahani Y, Najafipour H, Sanjari M, Shadkam-Farokhi M, Shahesmaeili A. External Validation of Finnish Diabetes Risk Score and Australian Diabetes Risk Assessment Tool Prediction Models to Identify People with Undiagnosed Type 2 Diabetes: A Cross-sectional Study in Iran. Int J Endocrinol Metab. 2022;20(4):e127114.
  • 1.
    Bagheri MM, Sadegh Zarandi F, Kamiab Z, Shahesmaeili A. Sensitivity and Specificity of Cardiomegaly according to Chest X-ray Indices in the Diagnosis of Congenital Heart Disease in Infants. Journal of Kerman University of Medical Sciences. 2022;29(3):274-80.
  • 1.
    Rahmati S, Bahrampour A, Nasehi M, Mirzazadeh A, Ghaderi H, Shahesmaeili A. An Evaluation of The Diagnostic Value of Sputum Smears Microscopy and Pcr Relative to Sputum Culture in The Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis in Iran. MJIRI [Internet]. 2022;36(1):848-60. Available from:
  • 1.
    Veisi N, Sharifi H, Shahesmaeili A, Ghaderi E, Rahmati S. An explanation of the 15-year trend and investigation of the tuberculosis cascade in Kurdistan province. Journal of Clinical Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacterial Diseases [Internet]. 2022;28:100323. Available from:
  • 1.
    Shahesmaeili A, Karamouzian M, Tavakoli F, Shokoohi M, Mirzazadeh A, Hosseini-Hooshyar S, Amirzadeh Googhari S, Ghalekhani N, Khajehkazemi R, Abdolahinia Z, Fahimfar N, Haghdoost A, Sharifi H. HIV prevalence and continuum of care among incarcerated people in Iran from 2010 to 2017. Harm Reduction Journal [Internet]. 2022;19(1):93. Available from:
  • 1.
    Setayesh M, Karimi M, Zargaran A, Abousaidi H, Shahesmaeili A, Amiri F, Hasheminasab FS. Efficacy of a Persian herbal medicine compound on coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): A randomized controlled trial. Integrative Medicine Research [Internet]. 2022;11(3):100869. Available from:
  • 1.
    Heydari F, Shahesmaeili A, Eslami Shahrbabaki M. Comparison of Personality Types and Alexithymia between Opiates Dependents, Concurrent Opiates and Methamphetamine Users and Control Group Referred to Drug Abuse Treatment Centers in Kerman City in 2020. irje [Internet]. 2022;18(1):69-78. Available from:
  • 1.
    Tavakoli F, Haghdoost AA, Shahesmaeili A, Ghalekhani N, Khezri M, Mehmandoost S, Ghasemzadeh I, Sargolzaei Moghadam M, Nasiri Moghadam N, Sharifi H. Frequency, correlates and consequences of early sexual intercourse among Iranian men who inject drugs. Sexuality & Culture [Internet]. 2022;26(2):750-61. Available from:
  • 1.
    Mansouri G, Safinataj M, Shahesmaeili A, Allahqoli L, Salehiniya H, Alkatout I. Effect of laparoscopic cystectomy on ovarian reserve in patients with ovarian cyst. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2022;13:964229.
  • 1.
    Ahmadinejad M, Moghaddam MA, Shahesmaeili A, Mayel M. Two Supportive Methods on Outcome of Patients with Chest Trauma. Archives of Pharmacy Practice [Internet]. 2022;13(2):57-61. Available from:
  • 1.
    Afshar PJ, Bahrampour A, Shahesmaeili A. Determination of the trend of incidence of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Kerman province 2014-2020 and forecasting until 2023. A time series study. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases [Internet]. 2022;16(4):e0010250. Available from:
  • 1.
    Jamalizadeh H, Ahmadi B, Shariffar F, Ansari M, Setayesh M, Shahesmaeili A, Tajadini H. Clinical evaluation of the effect of Zataria multiflora Boiss and Trachyspermum copticum (L.) on the patients with irritable bowel syndrome. EXPLORE [Internet]. 2022;18(3):342-6. Available from:
  • 1.
    Torkian S, Malek Mohammadi N, Mohammadizadeh M, Shahesmaeili A. Virtual Social Networks Addiction and High-Risk Group among Health Science Students in Iran: A Latent Class Analysis. Iran-J-Health-Sci [Internet]. 2022;10(1):1-9. Available from:
  • 1.
    Mirzazadeh A, Hosseini-Hooshyar S, Shahesmaeili A, Sharafi H, Shafiei M, Zarei J, Mousavian G, Tavakoli F, Ghalekhani N, Shokoohi M, Khezri M, Mehmandoost S, Shojaei MR, Karamouzian M, Briceno A, Morris MD, Alavian SM, Haghdoost AA, Sharifi H, Page KA. An on-site community-based model for hepatitis C screening, diagnosis, and treatment among people who inject drugs in Kerman, Iran: The Rostam study. International Journal of Drug Policy [Internet]. 2022;102:103580. Available from:
  • 1.
    Malekmohammadi N, Torkian S, Rohina Z, Shahesmaeili A. The Incidence of Postpartum Depression and Associated Factors Among Iranian Healthy Mothers: Findings of a Prospective Cohort Study. Iran J Psychiatry Behav Sci [Internet]. 2022;16(4):e108747. Available from:
  • 1.
    Jaafari Z, Sadidi N, Abdolahinia Z, Shahesmaeili A. Prevalence of Depression among Iranian Patients with Beta-Thalassemia Major: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences [Internet]. 2022;47(1):15-24. Available from:
  • 1.
    Abdolahinia Z, Mirzaee M, Pakmanesh H, Bazrafshan A, Shafiei Bafti M, Shahesmaeili A. Prevalence of Bladder Cancer in the Kerman Province, Southeastern Iran, using the Complete Prevalence Method. JOHE [Internet]. 2022;11(3):180-6. Available from:
  • 1.
    Ghasemirad H, Bazargan N, Shahesmaeili A, Harandi MF. Echinococcosis in immunocompromised patients: A systematic review. Acta Tropica [Internet]. 2022;232:106490. Available from:
2021[ to top ]
  • 1.
    Mehmandoost S, Mirzazadeh A, Zarei J, Iranpour A, Mousavian G, Khezri M, Ardalan G, Shahesmaeili A, pourmorovat S, Sharifi H. Sex out of marriage and condom use among homeless youth in Iran. Public Health [Internet]. 2021;194:116-20. Available from:
  • 1.
    Shahesmaeili A, Hosseini-Hooshyar S, Fallahi H, Karamouzian M, Kamali K, Haghdoost A, Sharifi H, Khajehkazemi R. Inconsistent Condom Use Among Non-Medical University Students in Iran. Sexuality & Culture [Internet]. 2021;25(6):1895-909. Available from:
  • 1.
    Yazdani R, Marefati H, Shahesmaeili A, Bagheri A, Langari AA, Nakhaei S, Amiri M, Kameshki H. The Effect of Uphill and Downhill Eerobic Exercises on Serum Apolipoprotein A1 and Apolipoprotein B Levels and their Ratio in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Current Respiratory Medicine Reviews. 2021;17(3):160-3.
  • 1.
    Shahesmaeili A, Shokoohi M, Tavakoli F, Rabiee MH, Kamali K, Haghdoost AA, Karamouzian M, Sharifi H. Prevalence of Symptom-based Sexually Transmitted Infections and Related Factors among Incarcerated Men in Iran, 2013. Med J Islam Repub Iran. 2021;35:185.
  • 1.
    Mousavian G, Ghalekhani N, Tavakoli F, McFarland W, Shahesmaeili A, Sharafi H, Khezri M, Mehmandoost S, Zarei J, Sharifi H, Mirzazadeh A. Proportion and reasons for loss to follow-up in a cohort study of people who inject drugs to measure HIV and HCV incidence in Kerman, Iran. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy [Internet]. 2021;16(1):29. Available from:
  • 1.
    Abdolahinia Z, Pakmanesh H, Mirzaee M, Bazrafshan A, Shafiei Bafti M, Shahesmaeili A. Opium and Cigarette Smoking are Independently Associated with Bladder Cancer: The Findings of a Matched Case - Control Study. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention [Internet]. 2021;22(10):3385-91. Available from:
  • 1.
    Aryaie M, Sharifi H, Khorrami Z, Ardalan G, Rajaei L, Heydari G, Shahesmaeili A. Prevalence of cigarette smoking in Iranian adolescents and young adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal. 2021;27(6):612-28.
  • 1.
    Rouhi V, Jahani Y, Malekpour Afshar R, Mirshekarpour H, Shahesmaeili A. Estimation of Thyroid Cancer Incidence in Kerman Province, Iran Via Three Source Capture-recapture Method During Years 2008-2015. IJBC [Internet]. 2021;13(3):78-84. Available from:
  • 1.
    Malekpoorafshar M, Salehinejad P, Pouya F, Moghadam NK, Shahesmaeili A. A Shift Toward Childbearing in One-Child Families Through a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Family and Reproductive Health [Internet]. 2021;15(1). Available from:
  • 1.
    Afshar PJ, Salehinejad S, Shahesmaeili A. Levels of leptin and adiponectin after initiation of methadone maintenance treatment: A systematic review and meta-analysisy. HEROIN ADDICTION AND RELATED CLINICAL PROBLEMS. 2021;23(6):25-32.
2020[ to top ]
  • 1.
    Torkian S, Shahesmaeili A, Malekmohammadi N, Khosravi V. Content Validity and Test-Retest Reliability of a Questionnaire to Measure Virtual Social Network Addiction Among Students. Int J High Risk Behav Addict [Internet]. 2020;9(1):e92353. Available from:
  • 1.
    Shahvali S, Shahesmaeili A, Sanjari M, Karami-Mohajeri S. The correlation between blood oxidative stress and sialic acid content in diabetic patients with nephropathy, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia. Diabetol Int. 2020;11(1):19-26.
  • 1.
    Shoraka HR, Abobakri O, Naghibzade Tahami A, Mollaei HR, Bagherinajad Z, Malekpour Afshar R, Shahesmaeili A. Prevalence of JC and BK viruses in Patients with Colorectal Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta- Analysis. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2020;21(6):1499-50.
  • 1.
    Nakhaeizadeh M, Abdolahinia Z, Sharifi H, Mirzazadeh A, Haghdoost AA, Shokoohi M, Baral S, Karamouzian M, Shahesmaeili A. Opioid agonist therapy uptake among people who inject drugs: the findings of two consecutive bio-behavioral surveillance surveys in Iran. Harm Reduction Journal [Internet]. 2020;17(1):50. Available from:
  • 1.
    Khezri M, Mirzazadeh A, McFarland W, Iranpour A, Shahesmaeili A, Zarei J, Mousavian G, Mehmandoost S, Sharifi H. Prevalence of substance use and associated risk factors among homeless youth in Iran: A cross-sectional study. Children and Youth Services Review [Internet]. 2020;116:105070. Available from:
  • 1.
    Malakootian M, Shahesmaeili A, Faraji M, Amiri H, Silva Martinez S. Advanced oxidation processes for the removal of organophosphorus pesticides in aqueous matrices: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Process Safety and Environmental Protection [Internet]. 2020;134:292-307. Available from:
  • 1.
    Mirzazadeh A, Hosseini-Hooshyar S, Shahesmaeili A, Bahramnejad A, Barshan A, Mousavian G, Najafi E, Sharifi H, Haghdoost AA, Briceno A, McFarland W, Page K. Barriers and motivators to participation and retention in HIV/HCV cohort studies among people who inject drugs: a community consultation in Iran. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy [Internet]. 2020;15(1):56. Available from:
  • 1.
    Vahdat M, Mansouri G, Kashanian M, Mirzaei H, Mostafavi SRS, Shahesmaeili A. One-Step Resection via Hysteroscopic Myomectomy and Prostaglandin F2α for Large Submucosal Myoma. Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology [Internet]. 2020;27(4):826-31. Available from:
2019[ to top ]
  • 1.
    Nasiri N, Abedi L, Hajebi A, Noroozi A, Khalili M, Chegeni M, Nili S, Taheri-Soodejani M, Noroozi M, Shahesmaeili A, Sharifi H. Population Size Estimation of Tramadol Misusers in Urban Population in Iran: Synthesis of Methods and Results. Addict Health. 2019;11(3):173-82.
  • 1.
    Esmaeili A, Shokoohi M, Danesh A, Sharifi H, Karamouzian M, Haghdoost A, Shahesmaeili A, Akbarpour S, Morris MD, Mirzazadeh A. Dual Unsafe Injection and Sexual Behaviors for HIV Infection Among People Who Inject Drugs in Iran. AIDS and Behavior [Internet]. 2019;23(6):1594-603. Available from:
  • 1.
    Jorjoran Shushtari Z, Hosseini SA, Sajjadi H, Salimi Y, Shahesmaeili A, Snijders TAB. HIV risk perception and sexual behaviors among female sex workers in Tehran, Iran. Med J Islam Repub Iran. 2019;33:101.
  • 1.
    Khalilzadeh Ganjalikhani M, Tirgari B, Roudi Rashtabadi O, Shahesmaeili A. Studying the effect of structured ostomy care training on quality of life and anxiety of patients with permanent ostomy. International Wound Journal [Internet]. 2019;16(6):1383-90. Available from:
  • 1.
    Pakmanesh H, Daneshpajooh A, Mirzaei M, Shahesmaeili A, Hashemian M, Alinejad M, Ketabchi AA, Tavoosian A, Ebadzadeh MR. Amplatz versus Balloon for Tract Dilation in Ultrasonographically Guided Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy: A Randomized Clinical Trial. BioMed Research International [Internet]. 2019;2019:3428123. Available from:
2018[ to top ]
  • 1.
    Shahesmaeili A, Mirzazadeh A, McFarland W, Sharifi H, Haghdoost AA, Soori H. Syringe Sharing in Drug Injecting Dyads: A Cross-Classified Multilevel Analysis of Social Networks. AIDS and Behavior [Internet]. 2018;22(1):10-8. Available from:
  • 1.
    Jorjoran Shushtari Z, Hosseini SA, Sajjadi H, Salimi Y, Shahesmaeili A, Snijders TAB. Safe sex norm questionnaire for female sex workers: development and validation study in Iran. Public Health [Internet]. 2018;164:82-90. Available from:
  • 1.
    Koozegar M, Shahesmaeili A, Noroozi M. Transition from First Drug Use to Regular Injection among People Who Inject Drugs in Iran. Addict Health. 2018;10(1):32-40.
  • 1.
    Shahesmaeili A, Karamouzian M, Shokoohi M, Kamali K, Fahimfar N, Nadji SA, Sharifi H, Haghdoost AA, Mirzazadeh A. Symptom-Based Versus Laboratory-Based Diagnosis of Five Sexually Transmitted Infections in Female Sex Workers in Iran. AIDS and Behavior [Internet]. 2018;22(1):19-25. Available from:
  • 1.
    Rezapour M, Shahesmaeili A, Hossinzadeh A, Zahedi R, Najafipour H, Gozashti MH. Comparison of Lipid Ratios to Identify Metabolic Syndrome. Arch Iran Med. 2018;21(12):572-7.
  • 1.
    Shahesmaeili A, Malekpour Afshar R, Sadeghi A, Bazrafshan A. Cancer Incidence in Kerman Province, Southeast of Iran: Report of an ongoing Population-Based Cancer Registry, 2014. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention [Internet]. 2018;19(6):1533-41. Available from:
  • 1.
    Yazdani R, Marefati H, Shahesmaeili A, Nakhaei S, Bagheri A, Dastoorpoor M. Effect of Aerobic Exercises on Serum Levels of Apolipoprotein A1 and Apolipoprotein B, and Their Ratio in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Tanaffos. 2018;17(2):82-9.
2017[ to top ]
  • 1.
    Karamouzian M, Mirzazadeh A, Rawat A, Shokoohi M, Haghdoost AA, Sedaghat A, Shahesmaeili A, Sharifi H. Injection drug use among female sex workers in Iran: Findings from a nationwide bio-behavioural survey. International Journal of Drug Policy [Internet]. 2017;44:86-91. Available from:
  • 1.
    Heydari Z, Shahesmaeili A, Khajeh-Bahrami MR, Rezazadeh-Mehrizi M, Gozashti MH, Moazed V. An Investigation of the Risk Factors of Osteoporosis and the Correlation between Opium Consumption and Osteoporosis in Adults. Addict Health. 2017;9(4):214-21.
  • 1.
    Karamoozian A, Jahani Y, Shahesmaeili A, Mirzaee M. Relationship between a network’s indicators and basic factors with high-risk behavior of injection among injecting drug users (IDU) via the multiple membership multilevel model. Electron Physician [Internet]. 2017;9(9):5318-24. Available from:
  • 1.
    Karamouzian M, Shahesmaeili A, Khajehkazemi R, Hooshyar SH, Fallahi H, Haghdoost AA, Sharifi H. Awareness of and Knowledge About STIs Among Nonmedical Students in Iran. International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health [Internet]. 2017;43(1):21-8. Available from:
2016[ to top ]
  • 1.
    Nikfarjam A, Shokoohi M, Shahesmaeili A, Haghdoost AA, Baneshi MR, Haji-Maghsoudi S, Rastegari A, Nasehi AA, Memaryan N, Tarjoman T. National population size estimation of illicit drug users through the network scale-up method in 2013 in Iran. International Journal of Drug Policy [Internet]. 2016;31:147-52. Available from:
  • 1.
    Farajzadeh S, Esfandiarpour I, Ranjbar SA, Damavandi FD, Kamyabi Z, Vares B, Moghaddam SD, Shahesmaeili A, Bazargan N, Hoseinpoor GR, Mohammadi S. A survey on Helicobacter pylori seropositivity status in Iranian children with atopic dermatitis. Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists [Internet]. 2016;23(1):34-8. Available from:
2015[ to top ]
  • 1.
    Najafipour H, Masoomi M, Shahesmaeili A, Haghdoost A, Afshari M, Nasri H, Kahnooji M, Samadi S, Mirzazadeh A. Effects of opium consumption on coronary artery disease risk factors and oral health: Results of Kerman Coronary Artery Disease Risk factors Study a population-based survey on 5900 subjects aged 15-75 years. International Journal of Preventive Medicine [Internet]. 2015;6(1):42-. Available from:;year=2015;volume=6;issue=1;spage=42;epage=42;aulast=Najafipour
  • 1.
    Shahesmaeili A, Haghdoost AA, Soori H. Network Location and Risk of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Transmission among Injecting Drug Users: Results of Multiple Membership Multilevel Modeling of Social Networks. Addict Health. 2015;7(1-2):1-13.
  • 1.
    Mazhari S, S. Goughari A, Esmailian S, Shah‐Esmaili A. Chlorpromazine versus clotiapine for schizophrenia. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews [Internet]. 2015;(8). Available from:
  • 1.
    Shahesmaeili A, Haghdoost AA, Soori H. Developing a Brief Scale to Measure HIV Transmission Risk Among Injecting Drug Users. Int J High Risk Behav Addict [Internet]. 2015;4(4):e26159. Available from:
2013[ to top ]
  • 1.
    Yousefzadeh G, Masoomi M, Emadzadeh A, Shahesmaeili A, Sheikhvatan M. The association of insulin-like growth factor-1 with severity of coronary artery disease. Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine [Internet]. 2013;14(6):416-20. Available from:
  • 1.
    Soori H, Mortazavi M, Shahesmaeil A, Mohseni H, Zangiabadi M, Ainy E. Determinants of workers’ risky behaviours associated with safety and health in a car manufacturing company in 2011. Arak Medical University Journal. 2013;16:0-.
  • 1.
    Rashidinejad H, Rashidinejad A, Moazenzadeh M, Azimzadeh BS, Afshar RM, Shahesmaeili A, Mirzaeepour F. The role of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein for assessing coronary artery disease severity and left ventricular end diastolic pressure in patients with suspected coronary artery disease. Hong Kong medical journal = Xianggang yi xue za zhi [Internet]. 2013;19(4):328-33. Available from:
2012[ to top ]
  • 1.
    Najafipour H, Mirzazadeh A, Haghdoost A, Shadkam M, Afshari M, Moazenzadeh M, Nasri H, Masoomi M, Mirzaiepour F, Azimzadeh BS, Forood A, Bahreini F, Mahmoudi M, Sanjari M, Mohamadi TM, Banivaheb G, Naderi M, Kashanian GM, Afshar RM, Ghazanfari Z, Navadeh S, Esmaeili AS. Coronary Artery Disease Risk Factors in an Urban and Peri-urban Setting, Kerman, Southeastern Iran (KERCADR Study): Methodology and Preliminary Report. Iran J Public Health. 2012;41(9):86-92.
2011[ to top ]
  • 1.
    Shahabi V, Moazenzadeh M, Azimzadeh BS, Nasri H, Afshar RM, Shahesmaili A, Rashidinejad H. Relationship between serum N-terminal Pro Brain Natriuretic Peptide (NT-Pro BNP) level and the severity of coronary artery involvements. J Res Med Sci. 2011;16(2):143-8.
  • 1.
    Ilkhani M, Karami M, Kiamarzi G, Shah Esmaeli A. Evaluating the diagnostic value of somatosensory evoked potentials in the diagnosis of meralgia paraesthetica. Razi Journal of Medical Sciences. 2011;18(90):1-6.
  • 1.
    Gozashti MH, Shahesmaeili A, Amini Zadeh N. Is opium addiction a risk factor for bone loss?. Iran Red Crescent Med J. 2011;13(7):464-8.
  • 1.
    Farajzadeh S, Zandi S, Abbasi MMH, Gadari F, Shahesmaeili A, Vares B, Hosseinpour G, Baghini IS. Serum lipoprotein (a) as an atherosclerosis risk factor in men with androgenic alopecia. Iranian Journal of Dermatology. 2011;14:81-5.
  • 1.
    Farajzadeh S, Shahesmaeili A, Bazargan N, Poorkani ZM, Karaminejad Z, Aghaei H, Pourdamghan N. Relationship between duration of breastfeeding and development of atopic dermatitis. Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists. 2011;21:80-6.
2010[ to top ]
  • 1.
    Masoumi M, Shahesmaeili A, Mirzazadeh A, Tavakoli M, Ali AZ. Opium addiction and severity of coronary artery disease: a case-control study. J Res Med Sci. 2010;15(1):27-32.
  • 1.
    Farajzadeh S, Bazargan N, shah Esmaeli A, Gholami SBA, Fekri A. Evaluation of the frequency of food allergens by skin prick test in children with atopic dermatitis. 2010;.
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