Deutsch Intern
IZKF Core Unit RDM


The FAIR principles are pivotal guidelines for improving the management and stewardship of scientific data. Emphasizing findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability, these principles aim to enhance the handling of digital information with minimal human intervention. At the Core Unit RDM, we are committed to guiding you through these principles, ensuring your specific data management practices align to these principles.

How can I ensure my RDM is FAIR?

A biomedical example: Let's consider a hypothetical example of managing scientific data in a biomedical research project focused on understanding genetic factors associated with a specific type of cancer.

Is it Findable?

Ensure both humans and computers can effortlessly discover data and metadata. How? Assign a DOI or another persistent identifier to each dataset, ensuring easy retrieval and citation. Include detailed metadata information, such as the type of cancer studied, patient demographics, sequencing methods used, and quality control metrics.

Is it Accessible?

Upload the genomic datasets to a public repository (e.g., Genomic Data Commons, dedicated to cancer genomics) allowing researchers worldwide to access and use the data. Clearly state access policies, indicating any restrictions (e.g., for sensitive patient data) and providing contact information for inquiries.

Is it Interoperable?

Use standardized formats for genomic data, such as the widely accepted FASTQ or  BAM formats, promoting interoperability with bioinformatics tools.

Is it Reusable?

Include detailed documentation on experimental design, sample collection procedures, data preprocessing steps, custom-made code and any statistical analyzes performed. Include transparent usage licenses.

The above is just one example of a practical 'how to go FAIR pathway,' illustrating the individual steps and knowledge involved in cultivating good data management practices. The Core Unit RDM is here to support you in navigating on your journey towards FAIR data management. If you have specific needs or questions, don't hesitate to contact us.