Deutsch Intern
IZKF Core Unit RDM

Johannes Balkenhol

I am Johannes and my roles are research data management and integrating data in systems biology to create good models of biology. Both roles works and in hand. The RDM part grew organically from my need to follow good scientific practices in theoretical biology. I realized that effective RDM is crucial for accurate and efficient research. It's not just about storing data, but also about organizing, managing, and making it easily accessible for future use. On the other hand, I'm still actively engaged in my research work. Balancing both these roles can be challenging, but it's incredibly rewarding. Managing data effectively helps streamline my research process, making it more reliable and easier to handle. In a way, my focus on RDM has become an essential part of my research methodology. It ensures that every piece of data is well-documented, traceable, and reusable, which is vital for the integrity and progress of my work. So, in my day-to-day, I'm constantly switching hats between being a researcher and a data manager, and I find that both roles complement and enhance each other beautifully.