Deutsch Intern
IZKF Core Unit RDM

Katrin Heinze

Katrin Heinze is a physicist dedicated to life sciences, chair of Molecular Microscopy ( In her research and the Core Unit Fluorescence Imaging ( she develops and provides imaging pipelines to improve resolution in multi-dimensional fluorescence approaches from the single molecule to the whole organ. The large spectroscopic and imaging data need to be shared, integrated and analyzed. Her lab is supporter and active member of the DFG funded initiative NFDI4 “Bioimage” where standards for imaging data and meta-data management will be developed. In the framework of the DFG-funded comprehensive research center TR-CRC 240 “Platelets”, she was a principal investigator for the Informatics project. She is currently principle investigator in an imaging project in the TR-CRC 225 “Biofabrication” and the CRC1525 “Cardio-Immune Interfaces” as well as in the initiative of the Hightech Agenda Bayern “Integrated Spin Systems for Quantum Sensors (IQ-Sense)“