- „Imaging the Immune System“ conference in Würzburg - 04.02.2025
- ERC Starting Grant: 1.6 Million Euros for Jakob Zimmermann - 12.09.2024
- Mini-symposium on viral infections and myocardial diseases - 07.08.2024
- Monika Litvinukova is a new junior research group leader at the Institute of Systems Immunology - 22.03.2024
- Innate immune cells are more adaptable than previously thought - 09.01.2024
- DFG Funding for Immunology Research in Würzburg - 12.12.2023
- Funding for Würzburg Biophysicist - 22.11.2023
- Highly Cited Researchers 2023 - 15.11.2023
- Preventing the Exhaustion of T Cells - 02.11.2023
- Immune guardians in the lymph node - 26.10.2023
- ERC Synergy Grant for Immunotherapy of Liver Metastases - 26.10.2023
- New Impulses for Immune Research - 05.09.2023
- Immune Cells in Single File - 17.07.2023
- Attack from the gut - 23.03.2023
- Highly Cited Researchers 2022 - 15.11.2022
- New Players in the Immune Response - 23.08.2022
- A potential fountain of youth for the immune system - 25.05.2022
- Why Sentinel Cells are so Important - 01.04.2022
- How sugar promotes inflammation - 22.03.2022
- Hobit Turns Immune Cells Into Killers - 30.08.2021
- Start-stop System of Hunting Immune Cells - 18.06.2021
- Immune cells as guests in the tissue - 01.10.2020
- Memory training for the immune system - 28.09.2020