Online Application

Before considering application
Please read the essential qualifications carefully to check, if you meet the criteria.
Application procedure
The application platform will be open only from January to March
General hints regarding the use of the application platform:
Application platform: WueStudy
1. After creating a user account the applicant can modify the application in as many steps as needed till the 15th of March.
After final submission, no further change is possible. Therefore: "Submit" should only be used for the final version.
2. A help text with additional information is provided for almost any required field that has to be filled in.
Reading the help text will answer 99% of the questions that might come up.
3. The applicant will have to upload only pdf-files of the following documents:
a) Certificate for higher education entrance qualification (document that allowed you to study a bachelor program at a higher education institution)
b) Letter of motivation
b) (preliminary or final) Bachelor certificate; for an application before the final Bachelor degree, 150 ECTs have to be acquired at the point of application!!
c) BSc transcripts, including the part in which grading is explained (grading scale).
d) Language certificate (options mentioned in the requirements!).
If your bachelor studies were completely taught and examined in English, an official statement of the respective institution can replace the language
certificate by third parties.
4. In case of technical questions regarding the application platform, which cannot be answered by reading the help text, please contact
5. In case of questions regarding the content of the application, please refer to
Here some additional help for your application:
Online application via WueStudy: Hints and Tips
Please read first (and repeatedly) the general information offered by the WueStudy-portal.
In the following, you will only get additional information and hints for the application for the Elite Master Program “Translational Neuroscience”!
We will only highlight difficult/less intuitive steps. Else you will have to follow the description provided on the respective site of the online application step.
General advices
1. Read all information at every step during the online application!
Some information might be hidden behind the small encircled blue i !
2. Not-yet-ready mandatory documents
If any of the obligatory documents are not ready when you start your application, you can upload a “dummy” file.
Best to create a pdf stating the official document is in progress. Why? If you do not upload obligatory files, you cannot go on with the application steps.
Most important: check all files before finally submitting your application.
Worst case scenario: You submit with the “dummy” files and your application gets rejected.
3. Delayed mandatory documents
Should there be reasons beyond the applicant’s control, the documents referred to above may be submitted later than May 15th.
To take chance of delayed submission, you have to inform the study program coordination not later than March 15th by email.
A pdf-file stating the reason and a prospective date of delayed submission has to be uploaded in the online application.
4. Additional Information/documents
If you want to upload additional information and you will not find a fitting upload opportunity, consider to merge pdfs together.
For example:
(a) You have recommendation letter (which we are not asking for!) -> add them to the CV in the same pdf.
(b) You have a VPD for another study program -> fuse it with your transcript or graduation certificate.
(c) .....
Step-specific tips
1. Selecting the "winter term 25/26"
2. Selecting the correct study program
After selecting your “University entrance qualification”, select
a) Desired degree: “Master’s (1 major)”
b) Desired subject: “MA 1 major Translational Neuroscience”
c) In which semester you want to start : “1. Semester”
3. Master - Undergraduate programs
It is very important, that you read all information hidden under the blue encircled i!
In case you have a VPD/KMK certificate (even issued for other universities or study programs), the necessary information might be provided in there.