Lehrstuhl für klinische Epidemiologie und Biometrie

Meldung - Detailansicht

New publication: Medication patterns and potentially inappropriate medication in patients with metastatic breast cancer: results of the BRE-BY-MED study


Analysing routine data from the Gynaecological Department of the University Clinic Würzburg, we found that patients with advanced or metastatic breast cancer (mBC) suffer from a high drug burden and polypharmacy. This is largely due to treatment for comorbidities. These drugs may not only be associated with additional risk for side effects, potential drug-drug interactions, or potentially inappropriate medication, yet may also contribute to low medication adherence, higher medication costs and impaired quality of life. Considering the burden of mBC and the predicted life expectancy, mBC patients may benefit from closer monitoring of their medication.

This study was part of the BRE-BY-MED project within digiOnko and has just been published in BMC Cancer.

The paper is available at:
