Blended Intensive Project an Erasmus-Partneruniversität Wroclaw Medical University 23. - 27. Juni 2025
13.02.2025BIP 1) Nutrition and Global Health BIP 2) Methods in Physical Pharmacy. Elements of research and development of innvative dermatological drugs
Dear Partner,
we would like to invite your students to participate in Blended Intensive Programmes at Wroclaw Medical University. We are happy to inform you that there are two BIPs organized in summer semester 2024/2025:
1. Nutrition and global health
2. Methods in physical pharmacy. Elements of research and development of innovative dermatological drugs
Both are planning on 23 - 27 June 2025 (students may apply only for one BIP).
Please find programmes of the events, description and application on our website:
Application deadline is 12.03.2025.
I will appreciate if you forward this email to departments, which can be interested in this topic.
I am looking forward to hearing from you. Please do not hesitate to contact me in case of any questions.
Best regards,
Dorota Kaleta
Dział Współpracy Międzynarodowej
T: 717841142
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hałubińskiego 6a, 50-368 Wrocław
Die Teilnahme an einem BIP-Projekt kann gefördert werden.
> Informationen zu den Fördersätzen (unterer Seitenabschnitt)
Für Ihren Förderantrag senden Sie bitte in einem ersten Schritt die von Ihnen unterzeichnete Annahmeerklärung bis spätestens 18.03.2025 an Frau Moll ( .