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Medizinische Fakultät

Aktuelles International

Summer School ‚Advancing scientific discovery with AI‘ - 29. Juni – 4. Juli 2025 an Partneruniversität Université de Caen Normandy, Frankreich


mit Themenschwerpunkt ‚AI for Medical Applications‘

Dear colleagues,

Are you interested to learn and collaborate at the intersection of AI and scientific discovery?

Advancing scientific discovery with AI will take place from June 29 to July 4, 2025 at the University of Caen Normandy.

This summer school provides a platform for researchers and students from diverse scientific backgrounds to delve into Artificial Intelligence and its applications in scientific research. Over 5 days, participants will explore current techniques, learn from experienced specialists, and collaborate with peers on relevant scientific problems. Each day focuses on a specific application domain and the related AI methodologies. This program aims at exploring the potential of AI to accelerate research and improve our understanding of complex scientific phenomena.

Mobility grants : Please contact your university’s international office responsible for staff and student mobility to check for Erasmus+ mobility grant. This grant might cover your travel and accommodation expenses. 

More information and registration:

We are looking forward to welcoming you!

Best regards

International Development Office
Carré international
NICAEN | Université de Caen Normandie


Die Teilnahme ist förderfähig (siehe Info zu BIP auf Homepage International Office).
