Erasmus International Lecture Series

Translational Neuroscience & Global Health
Dear colleagues, dear students,
The success of our first Erasmus International Lecture Series in the past semester has not only encouraged us to resume our lecture series in the field of “Translational Neuroscience” but also offer a new lecture series in the field of “Global Health” in the coming summer semester 2021.
We thus invite interested students and staff members alike at your and our universities to attend both virtual lecture series, which are scheduled to run from the end of this March to May 2021.
We are delighted that representatives of our Erasmus partner universities of Caen, Istanbul, Ljubljana, Maribor, Marseille, Olomouc, Pécs, Rome, and Zagreb, as well as our colleagues in Würzburg will share their expertise in their talks within the virtual lecture series on “Translational Neuroscience” and “Global Health”:
1) TRANSLATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE (on Wednesdays, between 17:00 and 18:30 CET/CEST[1])
24.03.2021: Metabolic brain biomarkers of neurodegenerative brain diseases – Maja Trošt/Ljubljana
07.04.2021: Awake craniotomies by lesions in dominant and non-dominant hemisphere - Tomaž Šmigoč & Janez Ravnik/Maribor
14.04.2021: Cortical resting state EEG rhythms in Alzheimer's and Lewy body diseases – Claudio Babiloni/Rome
21.04.2021: Social interaction disorders – Grit Hein/Würzburg
28.04.2021: Neuronal circuits and dynamics of integrated fear & anxiety states – Philip Tovote/Würzburg
05.05.2021: Modelling stroke: Impact of comorbidity, age and sex – Marina Radmilović/Zagreb
19.05.2021: Hypothalamic? Regulation of Food Intake and Obesity: Use of Electrophysiology and Optogenetic Methods with Transgenic Mice Models - Bayram Yılmaz/Istanbul
26.05.2021: The glymphatic system – Audrey Chagnot/Caen
[1] Central European Time / Central European Summer Time (UTC+1/UTC+2). The transition in Germany occurs on 28 March 2021
2) GLOBAL HEALTH (on Thursdays, between 17:00 and 18:30 CET/CEST[2])
25.03.2021: Mechanisms of viral emergence: examples from bats to humans (exceptionally long session: 17:00 - 20:00 PM CET/CEST) - Meriadeg Le Gouil/Caen
08.04.2021: Infectious diseases epidemiology in Senegal, past and present – Oleg Mediannikov/Marseille
15.04.2021: From Tropical Medicine to Global Health – a historical passage from the Third to One World – August Stich/Würzburg
22.04.2021: 1) ASPHER´s European List of Core Competences for the Public Health Professionals, 2) Cross-border threats to health in the EU legislation – Alena Petrakova/Olomouc
29.04.2021: Migration health policy aspects in the recent programs of WHO and ECDC – Istvan Szilard & Zoltan Katz/Pécs
06.05.2021: Mental health in asylum seekers and refugees resettled in Europe – Lorenzo Tarsitani/Rome
20.05.2021: Ethical dilemmas of brain tumor treatment in elderly patients – Ninna Kozorog/Maribor
27.05.2021: Communication Strategies and Cultural Issues in the Delivery of Bad News – Ozlem Tanriover/Istanbul
2 Central European Time / Central European Summer Time (UTC+1/UTC+2). The transition in Germany occurs on 28 March 2021
Up to 300 participants in total may join each session. The announcement of the lectures with the zoom access data may be found in WueCampus (Internationales).
We hope that the lecture series will attract your interest and request that you spread this message among your students and teaching staff.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our partners for working together with us on this wonderful project.
With best wishes,
Prof. Dr. J. Deckert
Faculty of Medicine
Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Josef-Schneider-Str. 2 / D7
97080 Würzburg
Contact: Barbara Moll,; phone +49.931.20155224
[1] Central European Time / Central European Summer Time (UTC+1/UTC+2). The transition in Germany occurs on 28 March 2021
[2] Central European Time / Central European Summer Time (UTC+1/UTC+2). The transition in Germany occurs on 28 March 2021