
MSNZ Lecture Series

The Causes and Consequences of Replication Stress
Datum: 20.05.2021, 17:00 Uhr
Kategorie: Forschung
Veranstalter: MSNZ Würzburg
Vortragende: Karlene Cimprich
Karlene Cimprich
Karlene Cimprich © Karlene Cimprich

On May 20, 2021, Prof. Karlene Cimprich from the Stanford University School of Medicine, will give a talk on her scientific work.

The talk will start at 5.00 pm and will be held online via Zoom. Angela Riedel and Martin Czolbe will provide the access data on request.

Contact:    Dr Angela Riedel         Dr Martin Czolbe


Von Martin Czolbe
