20th Dutch-German Joint Meeting of the Molecular Cardiology Working Groups
16th – 18th March 2023 in Würzburg
The 20th Dutch German Joint Meeting took place in Würzburg, 16th to 18th March 2023. Three days were packed with enthusiastic presentations of novel and fascinating scientific work. The evet was hosted by Prof. Dr. Kristina Lorenz, head of the Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Würzburg and took place in the building of the Comprehensive Heart Failure Center.
Invited speakers from Germany and the Netherlands presented their latest results in basic research in the cardiovascular field in seven sessions ranging from Cardiomyopathies to Mitochondrial and Metabolic Implications as well as the impact of co-morbidities such as cancer.
Young scientists had the opportunity to show their project in two inspiring poster sessions and a Young Investigator Award session.
One of the highlights of the event were the two outstanding keynote lectures given by Prof. Christine Mummery, Leiden about “Modelling cardiotoxicity, drug responses and disease in human iPSC-derived CM” and Prof. Bernhard Nieswandt, Würzburg on “Platelets as targets in cardiovascular diseases”.
We thank all the speakers, judges, chairs, poster presenters and participants for their contribution to the 20th Dutch German Joint Meeting and hope that you enjoyed the scientific program and the lively interactions in Würzburg.
We hope to see all of you next year in Groningen.
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