Benjamin Meder

Benjamin Meder is cardiologist and intensive care specialist and has a long track-record in experimental and translational research. He is Deputy Medical Director of the Department of Cardiology, Angiology, Pneumology, group leader for Molecular Genetics and Translational Biotechnology and head of the Institute for Cardiomyopathies at Heidelberg University. He has published numerous high-ranked studies on precision medicine and is involved in several large-scale national and international networks on this topic. Since 2018, he is collaborator and visiting Prof. of Genetics at Stanford University to conduct research in the fields of precision medicine and advanced genomic technologies. With his history in two startups and strong background in technology, he embarks on computational sciences and artificial intelligence to propel the translation of novel and more efficient treatments of patients. In 2018 he cofounded Informatics for Life, which is a large medical AI research cluster dedicated to accelerate digital health innovation. In 2022 he obtained the full professorship (W3) “Precision Digital Health” at Heidelberg University.