English Intern
  • Copyright: Max Planck Research Group for Systems Immunology
Systemimmunologie Würzburg

Verena Ruprecht - Center of Genomic Regulation Barcelona

Cell and tissue mechano-plasticity in the early embryo
Datum: 28.11.2022, 14:00 - 15:00 Uhr

Cell and tissue mechano-plasticity in the early embryo

In her research group "Quantitative Cell Biology" at the Center of Genomic Regulation in Barcelona, Dr. Ruprecht investigates topics such as cell migration, mechanosensing, tissue morphogenesis and mechanisms of innate immunity, such as epithelial phagocytosis. Her work has been published in Nature and Science, among others.





The talk will take place in the lecture hall of
the Institute of SystemsImmunologogy.

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