Vascular-immune interfaces (Litviňuková Lab)
Unsere Forschungsgruppe untersucht die komplexe Kommunikation zwischen den Gefäßzellen und dem Immunsystem und konzentriert sich dabei auf deren Zusammenspiel innerhalb verschiedenen Organen und Geweben. Mit Hilfe von Einzelzell- und räumlichen Omics-Techniken versuchen wir die komplexen molekularen Mechanismen zu verstehen, die ihren Interaktionen und Funktionen in der Homöostase zugrunde liegen und wie diese sich im Krankheitsfall verändern.
Our research delves into the intricate dialogue between vascular and immune cells at the single-cell level, building on the large repositories of Human Cell Atlas. We will create a comprehensive overview of the human vascular cells and their potential to interact and regulate immune response in heath and disease. Understanding these specific signaling pathways and key regulatory molecules involved in the cellular dialogue holds the potential to unlock novel therapeutic avenues to restore healthy communication at the interface, both within the cardiovascular system and beyond.
Cardiovascular diseases are known to affect males and females at different rates and with different symptoms and outcomes. The influence of sex on the intricate communication between the vascular and immune systems adds an additional layer of complexity to our research. We investigate how biological sex differences, such as the presence of sex hormones, and different immune responses impact the dialogue between these two systems. This study provides novel avenues in explaining the observed disparities in the prevalence and severity of certain diseases between males and females as well as the potential for the development of sex-specific therapeutic strategies. By tailoring treatments to address the unique communication patterns observed in each sex, we can potentially improve treatment efficacy and reduce disparities in disease outcomes.
Our research explores the potential connection between disruptions within the vascular-immune interface and the development of various systemic disorders such as inflammation and hypertension. Chronic inflammation is characterized by an overactive immune response, potentially disrupting communications with the vascular beds. We investigate how these breakdowns in communication at the vascular-immune interface potentially affect the progression of these complex disorders with the goal to unveil potential therapeutic targets for cardiovascular diseases associated with these disorders.