
Research Focus
The research focus at the Clinic for Neurology includes neurodegenerative disease, e.g. Morbus Parkinson and other movement disorders. We use deep brain stimulation for treatment of Parkinson patients. Further research topics are autoimmune diseases, stroke, neuromuscular diseases with special neurophysiology and nerve-/muscle pathologies, pain and neurological intensive care medicine.

Research Focus
Our group is specialized on peripheral neuropathies and pain. We have a strong neurobiological interest and focus on translational research concerning neuro-immune mechanisms including autoantibodies, cytokines, and micro-RNAs in the pathogenesis of pain and nerve disease. In the recently founded research group on pain resolution, we investigate factors that lead to improvement of painful diseases.

Research Focus
My group “Translational Somatosensorics” is investigating how neuropathic pain and peripheral neuropathies emerge and what could be done for prevention and treatment. Together with my team, we combine comprehensive clinical research with multifaceted and cutting-edge basic science approaches including advanced stem cell research, 2D and 3D co-cell culture systems, single- and multi-cell electrophysiology, and neuroimmunology. Our goal is to understand the pathophysiology of pain and neuropathy and to translate this knowledge into clinical practice.

Research focus
I am a clinician scientist in movement disorders with focus on Parkinson’s disease and dystonia. Therefore, a translational approach for my research is essential. My research focuses on the pathophysiology of movement disorders, specifically Parkinson’s disease and Dystonia. My lab is working on the role of the immune system and brain network changes by use of rodent models for these diseases.

Prof. Dr. Dr. med. Ioannis Isaias
Research focus
Our research focus is on motor control, pathophysiology of movement disorders and operative neuromodulation. Especially, we combined functional imaging studies with biomechanics and neurophysiological recordings for identification and retuning of brain network derangements in patients with movement disorders.

Research focus
Our research focus is the gut-brain axis in neurological diseases especially Parkinson’s Disease. We utilize a variety of different techniques such as immunohistochemistry, mouse behavior techniques, neuronal cell cultures, flow cytometry, and RNA sequencing to elucidate the components of the gut-brain axis. We have particular interest in the immune cells that communicate between the brain and the gut and developing therapeutics to target these cells and hinder disease progression.
- Schlaganfall und Arteriosklerose (experimentell, klinisch)
- Zelluläres und molekulares Imaging von neurologischen Krankheitsprozessen mittels Magnetresonanztomographie
- Nervenregeneration und Neuroinflammation

PD Dr. Robert Blum
Research focus
Our research field is molecular and cellular neurobiology. Focus is on signaling of neurons and glial cells with a preferred look at neurotrophins, Trk receptors and ion channels involved in neuronal excitation. We investigate neuronal excitability in vitro (hippocampal neurons, reprogrammed neurons and nociceptors) and in rodent models. We aim to find out how signaling cascades of neuronal excitability contribute to cellular and synaptic plasticity. Our research is relevant in the field of fear and anxiety, movement disorders and molecular pain.
- Neuromuskuläre Erkrankungen
- Neuropathien (insbesondere Immunneuropathien)
- Neuromorphologie
- Beteiligung des PNS bei M. Parkinson

Research focus
Our main research interest is focused on physiological mechanisms of cortical plasticity and its functional role in neurological diseases, particulary in multiple sclerosis and movement disorders. An additional focus of our lab is on multisensory aspects of the feeling of “bodily self” and of its impairment by neurological disorders. To this end, we apply non-invasive stimulation techniques (TMS, paired-associative stimulation, tDCS), evoked potentials, EEG, functional MRI (in collaboration with Dept. of Neuroradiology), and various behavioral paradigms.
Dr. Barbara Händel
Research focus
Research of my group primarily focuses on the relationship between body movement and cognition with a particular interest in their rhythmic interactions. We use human non-invasive recordings from electro- and magnetoencephalography (EEG, MEG) as well as invasive human (ECoG) and animal multi-electrode recordings in combination with eye- and motion tracking. Considering the role of oscillatory brain activity in perception, one focus lies on investigating neuronal oscillations during natural behavior while probing perceptual mechanisms.

Research focus
Our research focuses on inflammatory reactions in disorders caused by genetic and/or age-related defects that primarily affect myelinated axons. We are interested in the underlying pathomechanisms and the interactions between neural and immune cells that contribute to structural and functional perturbation of the nervous system. In the peripheral nervous system i.e., we especially focus on the interplay between Schwann cells, fibroblasts and macrophages and how their activation results in nerve damage and subsequent muscle impairment. We use a variety of classical neurobiological, behavioral, functional and immunological techniques aiming to translate our findings into pre-clinical treatment studies.

Research focus
The ability of the human brain to reorganize in response to environmental or internal stimuli, which is also referred to as neural plasticity, is fascinating. My research focuses on physiological mechanisms of plasticity and its functional role in neurological diseases, particularly in multiple sclerosis. We apply non-invasive stimulation techniques (tDCS and TMS) to modulate motor adaptive learning and consolidation in healthy subjects or patients with multiple sclerosis. Additionally, we combine a wide range of clinical and experimental techniques to analyse those motor changes, which have significant relevance for neurorehabilitation.

Research focus
Our research effort strives to understand the mechanisms underlying penumbral tissue loss during vascular occlusion and of ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) -injury thereafter in stroke. In particular we focus on the interplay of immune cells with platelets at the vascular endothelium.

Eng. Chiara Palmisano
Research focus
My research focus is on signal and information processing in local circuit and larger brain systems to control motor behaviour. Specifically, I investigate the pathophysiological basis of cortical-subcortical locomotor network dynamics and their biomechanical and electrophysiological correlations in Parkinson's disease and other movement disorders.