Autumn School 2023 "Translational Neuroscience", 24. & 25.11.2023
Please find the program in pdf-format here.
!!Congratulations, Constantin and Janis!!
We are happy and very proud of our first alumni of the side line studies for medical students!
Both, Constantin and Janis, impressed with their performance and inquisitiveness and we wish them all the best for their future life and further career!
(next step: aquisition of the MSc ;))
Congratualtions on a successful defense, Michaela Hörner!
Michaela Hörner, alumna of our program, conducted her PhD-project entitled
"The role of inflammation in hereditary spastic paraplegia type 11"
under the supervision of Prof. Rudolf Martini at the Department of Neurology (Uniklinikum Würzburg).
Please find the publication linked to her research project here.
!Congratulations on a great defense and all the best for your future!
Congratulations on publishing, Bruno!
Bruna Rogalla von Bieberstein, alumnus of our program, was involved during his master studies in the research recently published in "Journal of Neurology" (doi: 10.1007/s00415-023-11624-2).
!Congratulations and all the best for your future career!
Congratualtions on a successful defense!
Catharina Hamann, alumna of our program, conducted her PhD-project entitled "Investigation of the vasopressin receptors in the murine brain" under the supervision of PD Dr. Angelika Schmitt-Böhrer at the Department of Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy (Uniklinikum Würzburg).
!Congratulations on a great defense and all the best for your future!
Registration CLOSED for the Autumn School 2022 of the MSc "Translational Neuroscience"
!New publication by one of our students!
Recently Arindam Pal became co-author of a paper published in Brain Communications!
Open online lecture series "Clinical and Developmental Neuroscience"
This summer term Prof. Dr. Andrea Reiter and Prof. Dr. Deserno host an online lecture series you are very welcome to join.
The lectures will be online and you can access the the lecture following the link:
or using the Meeting ID: 753 917 7007 and Password: 966907
Expert Lecture on the 08.07.2021 by Caroline Nothdurfter
Expert Lecture on the 24.06.2021 by Christian Wetzel
Christian Wetzel (Universität Regensburg) talked about mitochondrial malfunction and their involvement in the pathology of major
depression disorder (MDD). Skin fibroblasts derived from patients suffering from major depressive disorder were used to determine the molecular
pathomechanisms of mitochondrial dysfunction e.g. changes in the membrane potential, reduction of the function of the ATP-synthase upon hormonal or metabolic stress.

Expert Lecture on the 06.05.2021 by Ruth Beckervordersanderforth
Dr. Ruth Beckervordersanderforth is an independent group leader at the Institute of Biochemistry, Emil-Fischer-Centre, FAU Erlangen. Since the beginning of her academic career, she has been working on astrocytes. Astrocytes are the major components of the hippocampal neurogenic niche. In the seminar, she discussed recent findings of her group on the determination of candidates of molecular regulators for astrocytes based on their internal morphological heterogeneity.
Expert Lecture on the 22.04.2021 by Beate Winner
Prof. Dr. Beate Winner, Head of the Department of Stem Cell Biology at the University Hospital, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, gave a talk about the role of the adaptive immune response in Parkinson’s disease pathogenesis. Within a translational project, they developed an autologous cell culture model using patient-derived and healthy control-derived hiPCS cells which were differentiated into midbrain neurons and corresponding T-lymphocytes from blood cells. IL-17 was identified as an important player in degeneration of midbrain neurons.
ERASMUS International Lecture Series "TRANSLATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE", March 2021 - May 2021

On behalf of Prof. Dr. J. Deckert, we want to highlight a lecture series on translational neuroscience. Please, find further information in the invitation below and via the respective link. If you are interested in joining the lecture series please write us an email (contact below) with your full name, your institution and the reason you want to join.
Warm regards,
Dr. Manuel Nagel and Prof. Dr. Carmen Villmann
MSc "Translational Neuroscience"
Dear colleagues, dear students,
The success of our first Erasmus International Lecture Series in the past semester has not only encouraged us to resume our lecture series in the field of “Translational Neuroscience” but also offer a new lecture series in the field of “Global Health” in the coming summer semester 2021.
We thus invite interested students and staff members alike at your and our universities to attend both virtual lecture series, which are scheduled to run from the end of this March to May 2021.
We are delighted that representatives of our Erasmus partner universities of Caen, Istanbul, Ljubljana, Maribor, Marseille, Olomouc, Pécs, Rome, and Zagreb, as well as our colleagues in Würzburg will share their expertise in their talks within the virtual lecture series on “Translational Neuroscience” and “Global Health”:
We hope that the lecture series will attract your interest and request that you spread this message among your students and teaching staff.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our partners for working together with us on this wonderful project.
With best wishes,
Prof. Dr. J. Deckert
Autumn School 2019