Deutsch Intern
IZKF Core Unit RDM

Resources and Links

Services for researchers (RDM solutions)

  1. Assistance with managing, securing, and sharing data.
  2. Personalized advice on organization, compliance and best practices for effective research data management.

Needs assessment

RDM Survey for needs assessment.

Data management plans

  • Help with creating data management plans, e.g. NFDI-Plants
  • Funder requirements for data publication.
  • Early engagement recommended for project-specific solutions.
  • RDM checklist

Tools for Creating Metadata and Developing Metadata Standards

Documenting research

Electronic Lab Notebooks (ELNs) such as eLabFTW and Labfolder are available at the Information Technology Centre for transparent and traceable research documentation

Storing research data

Cloud storage solutions for collaborative work and data sharing like

Cloud-based RDM software

High performance computing

Publishing and archiving research data

  • WueData is the institutional research data repository of the Julius Maximilians University of Würzburg for publishing data according to FAIR principles
  • The Julius Maximilians University of Würzburg Archive server for long-term data storage not actively used in research

Scientific data repositories

  • The Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics - Protein Data Bank (RCSB PDB) specializes in the 3D structural data of large biological molecules, such as proteins and nucleic acids
  • The Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) acts as a public repository for high-throughput gene expression data, as well as other types of molecular abundance data
  • PROSITE offers a database of protein families, domains, and functional sites, facilitating the understanding of protein function and the identification of significant patterns
  • The Image Data Resource (IDR) focuses on image data, serving as a resource for the storage, integration, and analysis of microscopy data in the scientific and biomedical research fields

Publishing code

  • GitHub is a widely used platform for hosting and sharing code repositories. It supports collaboration by tracking changes in source code using Git, a distributed version control system. It's ideal for open-source projects
  • Similar to GitHub, GitLab provides a web-based Git repository manager with wiki, issue-tracking and CI/CD (continuos integration/ continuos deployment) pipeline features, allowing for comprehensive project management and code sharing
  • Bitbucket is a Git repository hosting service that offers free accounts with unlimited private repositories (with a small team limit), making it a good option for private or small-scale projects
  • SourceForge is a web-based service that offers software developers a centralized online location to control and manage free and open-source software projects

General purpose

Zenodo is a general-purpose open-access repository developed under the European OpenAIRE program, allowing researchers to share and preserve any research outputs in any size, any format, and from any discipline