Please note: Publications, posters or presentations that use services or data collected in the Core Unit and by its employees should list those contributions accordingly. Many Thanks.
2025[ to top ]
Resting calcium ion fluxes protect cells from fast mitochondrial fragmentation, cell stress responses, and immediate transcriptional reprogramming. . In bioRxiv. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 2025.
Functional characterization of the DUF1127-containing small protein YjiS of Salmonella Typhimurium. . In microLife, 6. Oxford University Press (OUP), 2025.
Peripheral nerve injury induces dystonia-like movements and dysregulation in the energy metabolism: A multi-omics descriptive study in Thap1+/− mice. . In Neurobiology of Disease, 205, p. 106783. Elsevier BV, 2025.
Transcriptome-scale analysis uncovers conserved residues in the hydrophobic core of the bacterial RNA chaperone Hfq required for small regulatory RNA stability. . In Nucleic Acids Research, 53(3). Oxford University Press (OUP), 2025.
2024[ to top ]
Plekhg5 controls the unconventional secretion of Sod1 by presynaptic secretory autophagy. . In Nature Communications, 15(1), p. 8622. 2024.
Neuronal toxicity and recovery from early bortezomib-induced neuropathy: targeting the blood nerve barrier but not the dorsal root ganglion. . In bioRxiv. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 2024.
Drug efflux and lipid A modification by 4-L-aminoarabinose are key mechanisms of polymyxin B resistance in the sepsis pathogen Enterobacter bugandensis. . In Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance, 37, pp. 108–121. Elsevier BV, 2024.
Satellite glial cells from adult DRG dedifferentiate in vitro and can be reprogrammed into nociceptor-like neurons. . In bioRxiv. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 2024.
Single‐nucleus and spatial transcriptome reveal adrenal homeostasis in normal and tumoural adrenal glands. . In Clinical and Translational Medicine, 14(8). Wiley, 2024.
Provirus deletion from Haloferax volcanii affects motility, stress resistance and CRISPR RNA expression. . In bioRxiv. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 2024.
Gene-environment interaction elicits dystonia-like features and impaired translational regulation in a DYT-TOR1A mouse model. . In Neurobiology of Disease, p. 106453. Elsevier BV, 2024.
Internal in-frame translation generates Cas11b, which is important for effective interference in an archaeal CRISPR-Cas system. . In bioRxiv. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 2024.
Human dorsal root ganglia are either preserved or completely lost after deafferentation by brachial plexus injury. . In British Journal of Anaesthesia. Elsevier BV, 2024.
Atypical cellular responses mediated by intracellular constitutive active TrkB (NTRK2) kinase domains and a solely intracellular NTRK2-fusion oncogene. . In Cancer Gene Therapy. 2024.
Cellular landscape of adrenocortical carcinoma at single-nuclei resolution. . In Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 590, p. 112272. Elsevier BV, 2024.
Clonal competition assays identify fitness signatures in cancer progression and resistance in multiple myeloma. . In HemaSphere, 8(7). Wiley, 2024.
Sequential antigen loss and branching evolution in lymphoma after CD19- and CD20-targeted T-cell–redirecting therapy. . In Blood, 143(8), pp. 685–696. 2024.
Peripheral blood cells enriched by adhesion to CYR61 are heterogenous myeloid modulators of tissue regeneration with early endothelial progenitor characteristics. . In European Cells and Materials, 48, pp. 66–92. Forum Multimedia Publishing LLC, 2024.
Transcriptome-scale analysis uncovers conserved residues in the hydrophobic core of the bacterial RNA chaperone Hfq required for small regulatory RNA stability. . In bioRxiv. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 2024.
Circulating NK cells establish tissue residency upon acute infection of skin and mediate accelerated effector responses to secondary infection. . In Immunity, 57(1), pp. 124–140.e7. 2024.
hnRNP R promotes O-GlcNAcylation of eIF4G and facilitates axonal protein synthesis. . In Nature Communications, 15(1), p. 7430. 2024.
Inactivity of Stat3 in sensory and non-sensory cells of the mature cochlea. . In Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 17. 2024.
2023[ to top ]
Cytotoxic CNS-associated Tcells drive axon degeneration by targeting perturbed oligodendrocytes in PLP1 mutant mice. . In iScience, 26(5), p. 106698. Elsevier BV, 2023.
Identification of NOTCH-driven matrisome-associated genes as prognostic indicators of multiple myeloma patient survival. . In Blood Cancer Journal, 13(1), pp. 1–6. 2023.
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Endothelial barrier dysfunction in systemic inflammation is mediated by soluble VE-cadherin interfering VE-PTP signaling. . In iScience, 26(10), p. 108049. Elsevier BV, 2023.
P-47 The role of immune cells in the brain-gut network in Parkinson’s Disease. . In Clinical Neurophysiology, 148, pp. e29–e30. Elsevier BV, 2023.
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Microglia-mediated demyelination protects against CD8+ T cell-driven axon degeneration in mice carrying PLP defects. . In Nature Communications, 14(1), p. 6911. 2023.
An interferon gamma response signature links myocardial aging and immunosenescence. . In Cardiovascular Research. Oxford University Press (OUP), 2023.
A primary cell-based in vitro model of the human small intestine reveals host olfactomedin 4 induction in response to Salmonella Typhimurium infection. . In Gut Microbes, 15(1). Informa UK Limited, 2023.
Brain-to-gut trafficking of alpha-synuclein by CD11c+ cells in a mouse model of Parkinson’s disease. . In Nature Communications, 14(1), p. 7529. 2023.
Vector-borne Trypanosoma brucei parasites develop in artificial human skin and persist as skin tissue forms. . In Nature Communications, 14(1), p. 7660. 2023.
Myocardial Milieu Favors Local Differentiation of Regulatory T Cells. . In Circulation Research. Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health), 2023.
Th17.1 cell driven sarcoidosis-like inflammation after anti-BCMA CAR T cells in multiple myeloma. . In Leukemia. Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2023.
Global Hfq-mediated RNA interactome of nitrogen starved Escherichia coli uncovers a conserved post-transcriptional regulatory axis required for optimal growth recovery. . In Nucleic Acids Research, 52(5), pp. 2323–2339. 2023.
Lymph node medulla regulates the spatiotemporal unfolding of resident dendritic cell networks. . In Immunity, 56(8), pp. 1778–1793.e10. Elsevier BV, 2023.
2022[ to top ]
G6b-B regulates an essential step in megakaryocyte maturation. . In Blood Advances, 6(10), pp. 3155–3161. American Society of Hematology, 2022.
Type 1 conventional dendritic cells maintain and guide the differentiation of precursors of exhausted T~cells in distinct cellular niches. . In Immunity, 55(4), pp. 656–670.e8. Elsevier BV, 2022.
hnRNP R negatively regulates transcription by modulating the association of P-TEFb with 7SK and BRD4. . In EMBO reports, p. e55432. 2022.
Spacer prioritization in CRISPR–Cas9 immunity is enabled by the leader RNA. . In Nature Microbiology. 2022.
Stress signalling and STAT1 activation characterize the keratinocytic gene expression pattern in Hidradenitis suppurativa. . In The Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 36(12), pp. 2488–2498. 2022.
Liraglutide + PYY3-36 Combination Therapy Mimics Effects of Roux-en-Y Bypass on Early NAFLD Whilst Lacking-Behind in Metabolic Improvements. . In Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11(3), p. 753. MDPI AG, 2022.
CD52 and OXPHOS—potential targets in ibrutinib-treated mantle cell lymphoma. . In Cell Death Discovery, 8(1), p. 505. 2022.
Dynamics of monocyte-derived macrophage diversity in experimental myocardial infarction. . In Cardiovascular Research. Oxford University Press (OUP), 2022.
Eine Einzelzell-RNA-Sequenzierung identifiziert Metabolismus und CD52 als neue Angriffspunkte in Ibrutinib-persistenten Mantelzelllymphomzellen. . In Die Pathologie. Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2022.
Postnatal expansion of mesenteric lymph node stromal cells towards reticular and CD34+ stromal cell subsets. . In Nature Communications, 13(1). Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2022.
Genome-wide scan for potential CD4+ T-cell vaccine candidates in Candida auris by exploiting reverse vaccinology and evolutionary information. . In Frontiers in Medicine, 9, p. 1008527. 2022.
Temperature and livestock grazing trigger transcriptome responses in bumblebees along an elevational gradient. . In iScience, 25(10). 2022.
Helicobacter pylori shows tropism to gastric differentiated pit cells dependent on urea chemotaxis. . In Nature Communications, 13(1), p. 5878. 2022.
Neurodegeneration by α-synuclein-specific T cells in AAV-A53T-α-synuclein Parkinson’s disease mice. . In Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 101, pp. 194–210. Elsevier BV, 2022.
2021[ to top ]
The healing myocardium mobilizes a distinct B-cell subset through a CXCL13-CXCR5-dependent mechanism. . In Cardiovascular Research, 117(13), pp. 2664–2676. Oxford University Press (OUP), 2021.
Accumulation of cytotoxic T cells in the aged CNS leads to axon degeneration and contributes to cognitive and motor decline. . In Nature Aging, 1(4), pp. 357–367. Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2021.
Fibromyalgia vs small fiber neuropathy: diverse keratinocyte transcriptome signature. . In PAIN, 162, pp. 2569–2577. 2021.
The Rsm (Csr) post-transcriptional regulatory pathway coordinately controls multiple CRISPR–Cas immune systems. . In Nucleic Acids Research, 49(16), pp. 9508–9525. 2021.
Noncanonical crRNAs derived from host transcripts enable multiplexable RNA detection by Cas9. . In Science, 372(6545), pp. 941–948. American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2021.
Homeostatic calcium fluxes, ER calcium release, SOCE, and calcium oscillations in cultured astrocytes are interlinked by a small calcium toolkit. . In Cell Calcium, 101, p. 102515. Elsevier BV, 2021.
Homozygous BCMA gene deletion in response to anti-BCMA CAR T cells in a patient with multiple myeloma. . In Nature Medicine, 27(4), pp. 616–619. Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2021.
Time-Resolved scRNA-Seq Tracks the Adaptation of a Sensitive MCL Cell Line to Ibrutinib Treatment. . In International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(5), p. 2276. MDPI AG, 2021.
Terminally Differentiated CD4+ T Cells Promote Myocardial Inflammaging. . In Frontiers in Immunology, 12. Frontiers Media SA, 2021.
MAPS integrates regulation of actin-targeting effector SteC into the virulence control network of Salmonella small RNA PinT. . In Cell Reports, 34(5), p. 108722. Elsevier BV, 2021.
Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass and Caloric Restriction but Not Gut Hormone-Based Treatments Profoundly Impact the Hypothalamic Transcriptome in Obese Rats. . In Nutrients, 14(1), p. 116. MDPI AG, 2021.
Opposing Wnt signals regulate cervical squamocolumnar homeostasis and emergence of metaplasia. . In Nature Cell Biology, 23(2), pp. 184–197. Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2021.
Effector differentiation downstream of lineage commitment in ILC1s is driven by Hobit across tissues. . In Nature Immunology, 22(10), pp. 1256–1267. Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2021.
Alveolar Regeneration in COVID-19 Patients: A Network Perspective. . In International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(20), p. 11279. 2021.
2020[ to top ]
Dynamics of Cardiac Neutrophil Diversity in Murine Myocardial Infarction. . In Circulation Research. Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health), 2020.
Tetrachloroethene respiration in Sulfurospirillum species is regulated by a two-component system as unraveled by comparative genomics, transcriptomics, and regulator binding studies. . In {MicrobiologyOpen}. Wiley, 2020.
The Influence of Met Receptor Level on {HGF}-Induced Glycolytic Reprogramming in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma. . In International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(2), p. 471. {MDPI} {AG}, 2020.
Improved bacterial {RNA}-seq by Cas9-based depletion of ribosomal {RNA} reads. . In {RNA}, p. rna.075945.120. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 2020.
Single-cell transcriptomic profiling maps monocyte/macrophage transitions after myocardial infarction in mice. . In bioRxiv. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 2020.
{IL}-12 from endogenous {cDC}1, and not vaccine {DC}, is required for Th1 induction. . In {JCI} Insight, 5(10). American Society for Clinical Investigation, 2020.
Integrative functional genomics decodes herpes simplex virus 1. . In Nature Communications, 11(1), p. 2038-. 2020.
A Repeat-Associated Small {RNA} Controls the Major Virulence Factors of Helicobacter pylori. . In Molecular Cell. Elsevier {BV}, 2020.
The minimal meningococcal ProQ protein has an intrinsic capacity for structure-based global RNA recognition. . In Nature Communications, 11(1), p. 2823-. 2020.
2019[ to top ]
Identification of Cholecystokinin by Genome-Wide Profiling as Potential Mediator of Serotonin-Dependent Behavioral Effects of Maternal Separation in the Amygdala. . In Frontiers in Neuroscience, 13. Frontiers Media {SA}, 2019.
{RAL} {GTPases} mediate multiple myeloma cell survival and are activated independently of oncogenic {RAS}. . In Haematologica, p. haematol.2019.223024. Ferrata Storti Foundation (Haematologica), 2019.
The small non-coding {RNA} {RsaE} influences extracellular matrix composition in {Staphylococcus} epidermidis biofilm communities. . In PLOS Pathogens, 15(3), p. e1007618. 2019.
The {Major} {RNA}-{Binding} {Protein} {ProQ} {Impacts} {Virulence} {Gene} {Expression} in {Salmonella} enterica {Serovar} {Typhimurium}. . In mBio, 10(1), pp. e02504–18. 2019.
{MicroRNA} expression correlates with disease recurrence and overall survival in oral squamous cell carcinoma. . In Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, 47(3), pp. 523–529. Elsevier {BV}, 2019.
Integrative functional genomics decodes herpes simplex virus 1. . In bioRxiv. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 2019.
Cognate {Nonlytic} {Interactions} between {CD}8+ {T} {Cells} and {Breast} {Cancer} {Cells} {Induce} {Cancer} {Stem} {Cell}–like {Properties}. . In Cancer Research, 79(7), pp. 1507–1519. 2019.
Characterization of the transcriptome of Haloferax volcanii, grown under four different conditions, with mixed RNA-Seq. . In PLOS ONE, 14(4), pp. 1–24. Public Library of Science, 2019.
{scSLAM}-seq reveals core features of transcription dynamics in single cells. . In Nature, 571(7765), pp. 419–423. Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2019.
The identification of patient-specific mutations reveals dual pathway activation in most patients with melanoma and activated receptor tyrosine kinases in {BRAF}/{NRAS} wild-type melanomas. . In Cancer, 125(4), pp. 586–600. 2019.
Efficient depletion of ribosomal RNA for RNA sequencing in planarians. . In BMC Genomics, 20(1), p. 909. 2019.
Conditional Hfq Association with Small Noncoding RNAs in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Revealed through Comparative UV Cross-Linking Immunoprecipitation Followed by High-Throughput Sequencing. . In mSystems, 4(6). 2019.
Sensory profiles and immune-related expression patterns of patients with and without neuropathic pain after peripheral nerve lesion. . In {PAIN}, 160(10), pp. 2316–2327. Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health), 2019.
Contribution of {LTi} and {TH}17 cells to {B} cell aggregate formation in the central nervous system in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis. . In Journal of Neuroinflammation, 16(1), p. 111. 2019.
Time-resolved single-cell transcriptomics uncovers dynamics of cardiac neutrophil diversity in murine myocardial infarction. . In bioRxiv. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 2019.
Hierarchy of mono- and biallelic {TP}53 alterations in multiple myeloma cell fitness. . In Blood, 134(10), pp. 836–840. 2019.
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2018[ to top ]
Clinical implications of fracture-associated vascular damage in extremity and pelvic trauma. . In BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 19(1), p. 404. 2018.
Neonatally imprinted stromal cell subsets induce tolerogenic dendritic cells in mesenteric lymph nodes. . In Nature Communications, 9(1). Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2018.
A New Bioactive Compound From the Marine Sponge-Derived Streptomyces sp. {SBT}348 Inhibits Staphylococcal Growth and Biofilm Formation. . In Frontiers in Microbiology, 9. Frontiers Media {SA}, 2018.
Post-transcriptional gene regulation by an {Hfq}-independent small {RNA} in {Caulobacter} crescentus. . In Nucleic Acids Research, 46(20), pp. 10969–10982. 2018.
Explorative results from multistep screening for potential genetic risk loci of Alzheimer’s disease in the longitudinal VITA study cohort. . In Journal of Neural Transmission, 125(1), pp. 77–87. 2018.
Panel {Sequencing} {Shows} {Recurrent} {Genetic} {FAS} {Alterations} in {Primary} {Cutaneous} {Marginal} {Zone} {Lymphoma}. . In Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 138(7), pp. 1573–1581. 2018.
A {Novel} {Mechanism} of {Inactivating} {Antibacterial} {Nitro} {Compounds} in the {Human} {Pathogen} {Staphylococcus} aureus by {Overexpression} of a {NADH}-{Dependent} {Flavin} {Nitroreductase}. . In Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 62(2), pp. e01510–17. 2018.
{RNase} {E} cleavage shapes the transcriptome of {Rhodobacter} sphaeroides and strongly impacts phototrophic growth. . In Life Science Alliance, 1(4), p. e201800080. 2018.
{CRISPR} {RNA}-{Dependent} {Binding} and {Cleavage} of {Endogenous} {RNAs} by the {Campylobacter} jejuni {Cas}9. . In Molecular Cell, 69(5), pp. 893–905.e7. 2018.
{hnRNP} {R} and its main interactor, the noncoding {RNA} 7SK, coregulate the axonal transcriptome of motoneurons. . In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(12), pp. E2859-E2868. 2018.
Computational {Analysis} of {RNA}–{Protein} {Interactions} via {Deep} {Sequencing}. . In Transcriptome {Data} {Analysis}, pp. 171–182. Humana Press, New York, NY, 2018.
Single-{Cell} {RNA}-{Seq} {Reveals} the {Transcriptional} {Landscape} and {Heterogeneity} of {Aortic} {Macrophages} in {Murine} {Atherosclerosis}. . In Circulation Research, p. CIRCRESAHA.117.312509. 2018.
Genome organization and {DNA} accessibility control antigenic variation in trypanosomes. . In Nature, 563(7729), pp. 121–125. Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}, 2018.
Global {Maps} of {ProQ} {Binding} {In} {Vivo} {Reveal} {Target} {Recognition} via {RNA} {Structure} and {Stability} {Control} at {mRNA} 3′ {Ends}. . In Molecular Cell, 70(5), pp. 971–982.e6. 2018.
The {Probiotic} {Escherichia} coli {Strain} {Nissle} 1917 {Combats} {Lambdoid} {Bacteriophages} stx and λ. . In Frontiers in Microbiology, 9. 2018.
2017[ to top ]
The glucocorticoid receptor in monocyte-derived macrophages is critical for cardiac infarct repair and remodeling. . In The FASEB Journal, 31(11), pp. 5122–5132. 2017.
Insights into {Microalga} and {Bacteria} {Interactions} of {Selected} {Phycosphere} {Biofilms} {Using} {Metagenomic}, {Transcriptomic}, and {Proteomic} {Approaches}. . In Frontiers in Microbiology, 8. 2017.
Hypermethylation of the non-imprinted maternal MEG3 and paternal MEST alleles is highly variable among normal individuals. . In PLOS ONE, 12(8), pp. 1–16. Public Library of Science, 2017.
The regulation of tetraspanin 8 gene expression—{A} potential new mechanism in the pathogenesis of bipolar disorder. . In American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 174(7), pp. 740–750. 2017.
An {RpoHI}-{Dependent} {Response} {Promotes} {Outgrowth} after {Extended} {Stationary} {Phase} in the {Alphaproteobacterium} {Rhodobacter} sphaeroides. . In Journal of Bacteriology, 199(14), pp. e00249–17. 2017.
Pan-{Raf} co-operates with {PI}3K-dependent signalling and critically contributes to myeloma cell survival independently of mutated {RAS}. . In Leukemia, 31(4), pp. 922–933. 2017.
Nimodipine fosters remyelination in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis and induces microglia-specific apoptosis. . In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(16), pp. E3295-E3304. 2017.
In {Vivo} {Cleavage} {Map} {Illuminates} the {Central} {Role} of {RNase} {E} in {Coding} and {Non}-coding {RNA} {Pathways}. . In Molecular Cell, 65(1), pp. 39–51. 2017.
{dRNA}-seq transcriptional profiling of the {FK}506 biosynthetic gene cluster in Streptomyces tsukubaensis {NRRL}18488 and general analysis of the transcriptome. . In {RNA} Biology, 14(11), pp. 1617–1626. Informa {UK} Limited, 2017.
{APRICOT}: an integrated computational pipeline for the sequence-based identification and characterization of {RNA}-binding proteins. . In Nucleic Acids Research, 45(11), pp. e96-e96. 2017.
Genetic Overlap Between Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Bipolar Disorder: Evidence From Genome-wide Association Study Meta-analysis. . In Biological Psychiatry, 82(9), pp. 634–641. Elsevier {BV}, 2017.
{sRNA}154 a newly identified regulator of nitrogen fixation in {Methanosarcina} mazei strain {Gö}1. . In RNA Biology, 14(11), pp. 1544–1558. 2017.
{GT}‐rich promoters can drive {RNA} pol {II} transcription and deposition of {H}2A.{Z} in {African} trypanosomes. . In The EMBO Journal, 36(17), pp. 2581–2594. 2017.
Differential effects of {FTY}720 on the {B} cell compartment in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis. . In Journal of Neuroinflammation, 14, p. 148. 2017.
Transcription {Profiling} of {Bacillus} subtilis {Cells} {Infected} with {AR}9, a {Giant} {Phage} {Encoding} {Two} {Multisubunit} {RNA} {Polymerases}. . In mBio, 8(1), pp. e02041–16. 2017.
Insights into Microalga and Bacteria Interactions of Selected Phycosphere Biofilms Using Metagenomic, Transcriptomic, and Proteomic Approaches. . In Frontiers in Microbiology, 8. Frontiers Media {SA}, 2017.
The enteric nervous system is a potential autoimmune target in multiple sclerosis. . In Acta Neuropathologica, 134(2), pp. 281–295. 2017.