In our program we encourage our students to follow their interests and curiosity for various research aspects in neuroscience. Their internships and research projects, in particular the master thesis, are part of ongoing research at the different institutes. Some of such projects became part of publications in renowned scientific journals. In the following we list (only) those peer-reviewed papers of our students involved or based on their master studies.
- 3D In Vitro Glioma-Neuron-Astrocyte Biomimetic Composites Recapitulate Key Molecular Mechanisms Linked to Glioblastoma Multiforme Pathophysiology. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2025 , , E., , , M., , Z., , , P., ,B., , A., , , A., , N., , J., , N., , T., , A. R., , T. C., , J., , J. M., , E., , P. D., , G., , R., , R., , S., , K. G., , C.
- Rumpel, C., Alsalkini, M., Wagner, J., Cibulkova, V., Hübner, J., Monoranu, C. M., Keßler, A. F., Hagemann, C., Ernestus, R.-I., Löhr, M., Breun, M., Nerreter, T., Nickl, V. Enhancing Glioblastoma Immunotherapy: Synergistic Effects of CAR T-Cells and Checkpoint Inhibitors in a patient-derived ex vivo Glioblastoma Organoid Model. Brain and Spine 2024
- Alsalkini, M., Cibulková, V., Breun, M., Kessler, A. F., Schulz, T., Cattaneo, A., Wipplinger, C., Hübner, J., Ernestus, R., Nerreter, T., Monoranu, C. M., Hagemann, C., Löhr, M., Nickl, V. Cultivating Ex Vivo Patient-Derived Glioma Organoids Using a Tissue Chopper. J. Vis. Exp. 2024
- Beckers, C.J.; Mrestani, A.; Komma, F.; Dannhäuser, S. Versatile Endogenous Editing of GluRIIA in Drosophila melanogaster. Cells 2024
- McNeill, R. V., Radtke, F., Nieberler, M., Koreny, C., Chiocchetti, A. G., & Kittel-Schneider, S. (2023). Generation of four human induced pluripotent stem cells derived from ADHD patients carrying different genotypes for the risk SNP rs1397547 in the ADHD-associated gene ADGRL3. Stem Cell Research, 67, 103016.
- Kittel-Schneider, S., Davidova, P., Kalok, M., Essel, C., Ahmed, F. B., Kingeter, Y., Matentzoglu, M., Leutritz, A. L., Kersken, K., Koreny, C., Weber, H., Kollert, L., McNeill, R. V., Reif, A., Bahlmann, F., & Trautmann-Villalba, P. (2022). A pilot study of multilevel analysis of BDNF in paternal and maternal perinatal depression. Archives of women's mental health, 25(1), 237–249.
- McNeill, R. V., Kehrwald, C., Brum, M., Knopf, K., Brunkhorst-Kanaan, N., Etyemez, S., Koreny, C., Bittner, R., Freudenberg, F., Herterich, S., Reif, A., & Kittel-Schneider, S. (2022). Uncovering associations between mental illness diagnosis, nitric oxide synthase gene variation, and peripheral nitric oxide concentration. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 101, 275–283.
- Poh, E.Z.; Green, C.; Agostinelli, L.; Penrose-Menz, M.; Karl, A.-K.; Harvey, A.R.; Rodger, J. Manipulating the Level of Sensorimotor Stimulation during LI-rTMS Can Improve Visual Circuit Reorganisation in Adult Ephrin-A2A5-/- Mice. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022
- Gehrmann, A., Fiedler, K., Leutritz, A. L., Koreny, C., & Kittel-Schneider, S. (2021). Lithium Medication in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding—A Case Series. Medicina, 57(6), 634
- Rivero, O., Alhama-Riba, J., Ku, H.-P., Fischer, M., Ortega, G., Álmos, P., Diouf, D., van den Hove, D., Lesch, K.P., Haploinsufficiency of the Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Risk Gene St3gal3 in Mice Causes Alterations in Cognition and Expression of Genes Involved in Myelination and Sialylation, Frontiers in Genetics 2021
- Koeniger T, Bell L, Mifka A, Enders M, Hautmann V, Mekala SR, Kirchner P, Ekici AB, Schulz C, Wörsdörfer P, Mencl S, Kleinschnitz C, Ergün S, Kuerten S. Bone marrow-derived myeloid progenitors in the leptomeninges of adult mice. Stem Cells. 2021
- Forero A, Ku HP, Malpartida AB, Wäldchen S, Alhama-Riba J, Kulka C, Aboagye B, Norton WHJ, Young AMJ, Ding YQ, Blum R, Sauer M, Rivero O, Lesch KP, "Serotonin (5-HT) neuron-specific inactivation of Cadherin-13 impacts 5-HT system formation and cognitive function", Neuropharmacology 2020
- Berve K, West BL, Martini R, Groh J, "Sex- and region-biased depletion of microglia/macrophages attenuates CLN1 disease in mice", J Neuroinflammation 2020
- Qi Y, Herrmann MJ, Bell L, Fackler A, Han S, Deckert J, Hein G, "The mere physical presence of another person reduces human autonomic responses to aversive sounds", Proc Biol Sci 2020
- Koeniger T, Bell L, Mifka A, Enders M, Hautmann V, Mekala SR, Kirchner P, Ekici AB, Schulz C, Wörsdörfer P, Mencl S, Kleinschnitz C, Ergün S, Kuerten S, "Bone marrow-derived myeloid progenitors in the leptomeninges of adult mice", Stem Cells 2020
- Bell L, Lenhart A, Rosenwald A, Monoranu CM, Berberich-Siebelt F, "Lymphoid Aggregates in the CNS of Progressive Multiple Sclerosis Patients Lack Regulatory T Cells", Front Immunol 2020
- Groh J, Klein D, Berve K, West BL, Martini R, "Targeting microglia attenuates neuroinflammation-related neural damage in mice carrying human PLP1 mutations", Glia 2019
- Bell L, Koeniger T, Tacke S, Kuerten S, "Characterization of blood-brain barrier integrity in a B-cell-dependent mouse model of multiple sclerosis", Histochem Cell Biol 2019
- Mihovilovic MI, Kertels O, Hänscheid H, Löhr M, Monoranu CM, Kleinlein I, Samnick S, Kessler AF, Linsenmann T, Ernestus RI, Buck AK, Lapa C, "O-(2-(18F)fluoroethyl)-L-tyrosine PET for the differentiation of tumour recurrence from late pseudoprogression in glioblastoma", Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2019
- Kertels O, Mihovilovic MI, Linsenmann T, Kessler AF, Tran-Gia J, Kircher M, Brumberg J, Monoranu CM, Samnick S, Ernestus RI, Löhr M, Meyer PT, Lapa C, "Clinical Utility of Different Approaches for Detection of Late Pseudoprogression in Glioblastoma With O-(2-[18F]Fluoroethyl)-L-Tyrosine PET", Clin Nucl Med 2019
- Kertels O, Kessler AF, Mihovilovic MI, Stolzenburg A, Linsenmann T, Samnick S, Brändlein S, Monoranu CM, Ernestus RI, Buck AK, Löhr M, Lapa C, "Prognostic Value of O-(2-[18F]Fluoroethyl)-L-Tyrosine PET/CT in Newly Diagnosed WHO 2016 Grade II and III Glioma", Mol Imaging Biol 2019
- Surrey V, Zöller C, Lork AA, Moradi M, Balk S, Dombert B, Saal-Bauernschubert L, Briese M, Appenzeller S, Fischer U, Jablonka S, "Impaired Local Translation of β-actin mRNA in Ighmbp2-Deficient Motoneurons: Implications for Spinal Muscular Atrophy with respiratory Distress (SMARD1)", Neuroscience 2018
- Groh J, Hörner M, Martini R.J, "Teriflunomide attenuates neuroinflammation-related neural damage in mice carrying human PLP1 mutations", J Neuroinflammation 2018
- Groh J, Berve K, Martini R, "Fingolimod and Teriflunomide Attenuate Neurodegeneration in Mouse Models of Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis", Mol Ther 2017
- Groh J, Friedman HC, Orel N, Ip CW, Fischer S, Spahn I, Schäffner E, Hörner M, Stadler D, Buttmann M, Varallyay C, Solymosi L, Sendtner M, Peterson AC, Martini R, "Pathogenic inflammation in the CNS of mice carrying human PLP1 mutations", Hum Mol Genet 2017